A simple C# command line program demonstrating OOP.
- Handles the Display class (which calls the Menu Class)
- Gets the stuff from the inventory file
- Creates the VendingItems Objects (adds them to a list)
- Updates the VendingItems Objects' inventory when something is vended
- Has Money from that class
- Uses the logger to log the transactions
Basically it uses all of the other classes...
- Slot Location
- Product name
- Price
- Type
- Stock
- Message when vended
- chips
- candy
- drinks
- gum
- Tracks money fed into the system
- Has a method that calculates change/coins based on values it's given
- Every time an action is taken, the logger class is called
- Has two different types of logs:
- Purchase Log (money coming in and out)
- Sales Report
- A wrapper for StreamReader and vending-machine.gif [vending machine CLI]: