Driver for Raspbery PI 3/4 to dispaly string on LCD screen with controller HD44780. It implemented such as file in /proc. This code will work with Linux kernel version > 6.1.
Find out the version number:
uname -a
If you start on PI 4:
gpio_registers = (int*)ioremap(BCM2711_GPIO_ADDRESS, PAGE_SIZE);
If you start on PI 3:
gpio_registers = (int*)ioremap(BCM2837_GPIO_ADDRESS, PAGE_SIZE);
If you want use it, run:
sudo insmod HD44780_driver.ko
Then, if you want to show string in display, run:
echo "Hello 5" > /proc/HD44780_driver
if you want to customize it:
sudo apt install raspberrypi-kernel-headers
When you finished change code, compile it with:
To unset driver from kernel:
sudo rmmod HD44780_driver
To set driver in kernel:
sudo insmod HD44780_driver.ko
To show messages from driver: