Rust implementation of my jukebox application which allows RFID tags to trigger commands such as opening pictures or play albums.
v 0.1.6
ali@ali-K53E:~/Code/Rust/jukebox$ ./target/debug/jukebox -h
Jukebox is a program which connects triggers
e.g. RFID keys to actions e.g. playing an album.
Usage: ./target/debug/jukebox [options]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-n, --new Start new database.
-a, --add Add mode, add new action triggers to database.
-f, --database PATH Suggest a name for the database file default
-p, --port PATH Serial port to use default /dev/ttyACM0
-s, --split Start:Length
Process key trim first Start chars and continue for
length chars default 3:10.
Example usage would be putting a RFID tag/card in a CD case and using it to trigger your computer to play said album.
Uses the cargo buildsystem for dependencies and building.
Install developement libraries for sqlite3 (sudo dnf install lib-sqlite3x-devel).
To build run:
$ cargo build --release
It is suggested to make a database like in the current directory and then copy it to /etc and make it root writeable but world readable.
First start a new database
$ jukebox -n -a
This will initialise a new database file by default jukebox.db and start in adder mode allowing you to scan in keys and commands.
To do this tap cards on the reader to load it's buffer with the string and then enert the command to associate with it in jukebox.
This will loop endlessly until you ctrl-c (kill the program).
It is suggested you copy the database somewhere more secure and make it owned by root but readable by the jukebox user.
To run in production mode might look like this
$ jukebox -f /etc/jukebox.db
You should not run jukebox as root as then an spawned commands wound run as root! By making the db root only writable you can stop someone putting a nasty command in your db.
You could use a udev rule to make the serial device readble by the user you run jukebox as. In my case my device is in the group dialout. So I simply added my user to the group as root: It is likely you can do this too if ls -lah PATH_TO_DEVICE shows dialout as the group (if it shows another group thats not root you could add yourself to that).
# useradd -a -G dialout ali
Where ali is your username.
Make saner defaults (0:0)
- 2017-06-14 - Gracefully handle unknown arguments
- 2017-06-13 - Use Connection not SqliteConnection for modern rusqlite. Builds with rustc 1.19.0-nightly (cfb5debbc 2017-06-12)