This is a project to visualize the transforms of discrete signals and operations between two or multiple discrete signals (mainly DFT and convolution)
Use structs to encapsulate parameters
Make global argv, argc as such:
char **gargv; int gargc;
Snippet from here
Another way of doing a similar thing here
- Use IPC message passing or memory sharing instead of using node to invoke execution
- Add auto set button
- Fix rounding errors (for freq)
- Show only a narrow window of frequencies (different for cos, sin, exp, etc.)
- Add debug mode (with #ifndef)
- Allow only parametrized input (you can only input the parameters to the function that I permit, with limited degrees of freedom)
- Chain functions to simulate operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide, convolve, correlate, circular convolution???, etc.)
- Real, Imaginary & Complex graph
- Load your signal with a formatted text/JSON/whatever file
- Add the sum of cos & sin
- Add complex exponential (cos+isin)
- Lead to the discovery of the ft by convolution (like in Mark Newman's video)
- Build an FFT and convolution algorithm
- Other transforms (Cosine, sine, sinc transforms...)
- Load graphs by chunks (first 100 samples, etc.) or lazy load (load average of every 10, 5, 2 samples etc.)
- Try using another plotting library (canvas, function plot, etc.)