A TypeScript/JavaScript library for integrating the WebEngage SDK in React applications.
this library also fix react router history.replace bug when using webengage
To install the library, run the following command:
npm i react-webengage
yarn add react-webengage
To use the library, import the ReactWebengage
class from the package and create an instance with your WebEngage licence key and other optional props:
import ReactWebengage from 'react-webengage'
const webengage = new ReactWebengage({
licence: 'your-webengage-licence-key',
is_spa: true, // or false
You can then call the various methods of the webengage instance to perform actions such as logging in a user, tracking events, setting user attributes, logging out the user, and reloading the WebEngage SDK:
webengage.addTrack('event-name', { eventProperty: 'value' });
webengage.setAttribute('attribute-key', { attributeObject: 'value' });
For more details on the available methods and their arguments, refer to the documentation below.
This is the interface for the ReactWebengage class.
init(w: Window = window, e: Document = document, b: string = 'webengage'): void
Initializes the WebEngage SDK with the provided licence key.
login(id: string): void
Logs in the user with the specified ID.
addTrack(eventName: string, eventData: any): void
Tracks an event with the specified name and data.
setAttribute(key: string, value: object): void
Sets a user attribute with the specified key and value.
logout(): void
Logs out the current user.
reload(): boolean
Reloads the WebEngage SDK. Returns true if the reload was successful, false otherwise.
This is the interface for the props accepted by the ReactWebengage class.
licence: string
The WebEngage licence key.
is_spa: boolean
Optional. Indicates whether the application is a single-page application. Defaults to true.
Contributions are welcome! Please follow the guidelines in the CONTRIBUTING.md file for code formatting, testing, and pull requests.
This library is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.