A mini tool for extracting specific lines from ida dumped assembly files based on control flow
python assembly_extractor.py -af [assembly_file] -cf [cfg_file] -o [output_file] start_addr end_addr
are the start address and end address of the your assembly fragment and must be in hex format- the assembly fragment should be consistent
an assembly file should be fully copied from ida and be like this:
LOAD:000000000001577C LDP X20, X19, [SP,#0x60+var_10]
LOAD:0000000000015780 LDP X22, X21, [SP,#0x60+var_20]
LOAD:0000000000015784 LDP X24, X23, [SP,#0x60+var_30]
or like this:
you can write the control flow file in your own format
but it should include current addresss and next address the program will jump to in one line
recommendated formats are like these:
- addr offset is
, next addr isnext_addr
- current:
, next:next_addr