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alienbrett edited this page Mar 28, 2020 · 2 revisions

The API provides a nice way to grab top lists for different exchanges during the last trading day.

list_type must be one of

  • 'topactive', [default]
  • 'toplosers',
  • 'topvolume',
  • 'topgainers',
  • 'toppctgainers'

exchange must be one of

  • 'A' => American Stock exchange
  • 'N' => NYSE
  • 'Q' => Nasdaq
  • 'U' => Nasdaq Bulletin Board
  • 'V' => Nasdaq OTC Other
a.toplists (
    list_type = 'toppctgainers',
    exchange  = 'N'
# outputs
        "date": "2020-03-26",
        "datetime": "2020-03-26T17:11:00Z",
        "hi": "257.48",
        "incr_vl": "367906",
        "last": "257.26",
        "lo": "257.09",
        "opn": "257.4",
        "symbol": "SPY",
        "timestamp": "2020-03-28T20:05:01Z",
        "vl": "367906"
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