- Using NodeJS for backend development
- Express.js module to handle user requests
- Using mongoose module for MongoDB
Module Dependencies:
- "body-parser": "^1.19.0",
- "ejs": "^2.6.2",
- "express": "^4.17.1",
- "mongoose": "^5.6.6"
Requires Node
- In order to install Node, please follow the instucrions in
Requires MongoDB
- In order to run your MongoDB server simply type 'mongod' command in your terminal
- To install MongoDB to your computer please follow the instructions in
In order to use this API you need to follow the steps below
- Open your terminal in your computer
- Copy and paste ' git clone '
- Change your directory to the project folder
- Copy and paste ' cd RESTAPI '
- In order to install the node modules enter the command ' npm i '
- Type 'node app.js' to run the server
API Methods Usage:
- Non-Specific Article CRUD: In order to access this method the following URL standart should be followed 'localhost:3000/articles'
- GET: Returns all of the articles in JSON format
- POST: Requires 2 request body components as keys
- title
- content
- DELETE: Deletes all articles in the database
- Specific Article CRUD: In order to access this method the following URL standart should be followed 'localhost:3000/articles/articleTitle'
- If you'd like to update the articles title and content PUT method is advised, otherwise use PATCH method to update one
- GET: Returns a spefic article in JSON format
- PUT: Updates the specific article, requires 2 request body components as keys
- title: Will be updated
- content: Will be updated
- PATCH: Updates the specific article, requires at least one request component. The component sent will be updated
- title: Will be updated if sent
- content: Will be updated if sent
- DELETE: Deletes the specific article. Requires the following request body as key
- title
- If the title you are using has space in it then place '%20' between the words, for other special characters please follow the instructions in
NOTE: Application uses port 3000 unless specified otherwise by the environment variables
Documented in Postman:
Applications used for this product
- API Testing: Postman
- IDE: Visual Studio Code
For other questions and support requests please contact me: