Lojic is a java library that parses logical expressions in Propositional Logic and generate abstract syntax trees and truth tables.
- Formula - Any statement that contains a connective is a formula
- Connective - Logical operators like AND, OR
- Official symbol - The connective symbol that this java library deals with and displays as. A connective only has one official symbol.
- Other symbols - Any symbols that is also recognized by the parser/lexer.
- Precedence - See Wikipedia.org/Logical_connective#Order__of_precedence
- Associativity - See Wikipedia.org/Operator_associativity
- Atom - Variables that denotes propositions
- True atom - An atom with a unique name that always has the value of
- False atom - An atom with a unique name that always has the value of
- True atom - An atom with a unique name that always has the value of
The name of atoms (propositions or operands) must be alphabetic and/or numeric. There cannot be whitespaces or special characters. There are no length limits.
- LojicParser - Used to parse each logical expressions. Its internal lexer automatically converts all logical connectives to their
official symbols and all parenthesis to the standard type
. - Node - A well-formed formula or atom, containing its children formulas or atoms. It is structured like an abstract syntax tree.
- TruthTable - A list of Columns of atoms and formulas
- Column - Contains a node and its truth-values.
- TTableBuilder - Used to configure truth table's settings (such as showning sub-columns, recognition of true/false atoms).
- Argument - A list of premises and a conclusion, supports (semantic) validity checking.
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Node node = LojicParser.parseDefault("P->Q"); // throws SyntaxException if the syntax is incorrect
TruthTable table = node.buildTruthTable();
String result = table.print();
The result would be:
P | Q | (P→Q) |
T | T | T |
T | F | F |
F | T | T |
F | F | T |
On the other hand,
There would be a SyntaxException thrown:
lojic.parser.SyntaxException: Index 4 - Missing closing parenthesis
You can also configure the parser for it to recognize more or less connectives than the default. Start by creating an instance of LojicParser:
public class FormulaParsing {
public static void main(String[] args) {
LojicParser parser = new LojicParser();
Node tree = parser
.useMinimalConnectives() // Method chaining
.append("P->") // caches a string
.parse(); // an alternative way of parsing an expression
// whenever one parses the string, the parser's cache resets
TruthTable table = tree.buildTruthTable();
List<Column> columns = table.getColumns();
// you can get a list of columns for the table rather than a string output
You can also create an argument and check its validity.
public class ArgumentParsing {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Argument argument = Argument.fromSequent("P->Q, ~Q ⊢ ~P");
argument.isValid(); // returns true
For more examples, checkout these examples
Name | Object Name | Official Symbol | Other Symbols | Precedence | Associativity |
Negation | NEG | ¬ | ~, ! | 50 | right |
Conjunction | AND | ∧ | /\, &, ^, ×, •, ⋅ | 40 | right |
Alternative Denial, Sheffer Stroke | NAND | ↑ | ⊼ | 40 | right |
Disjunction | OR | ∨ | \/, |, +, ∥ | 30 | right |
Joint Denial, Peirce's arrow | NOR | ↓ | ⊽ | 30 | right |
Exclusive Disjunction | XOR | ⊕ | ⊻, <-/->, <=/=>, ↮, ≢ | 30 | right |
Conditional, Material Implication | IF | → | >, ->, =>, ⇒, ⊃ | 20 | right |
Material Nonimplication | NIF | ↛ | -/>, =/> | 20 | right |
Converse Implication | IF_CON | ← | <, <-, <=, ⇐, ⊂ | 20 | right |
Converse Nonimplication | N_IF_CON | ↚ | </-, </= | 20 | right |
Biconditional, Logical Equality | IFF | ↔ | <>, <->, <=>, ≡, ⇔, = | 10 | right |
(), {}, []
The opening parenthesis does not have to be the same type as the closing
parenthesis. For example, (A&B]->C
is identical to (A&B)->C
Atoms with these names will automatically be filled with the corresponding truth value.
The java class TTableBuilder is responsible for building truth tables that recognize these True/False atoms
True | False |
T | F |
⊤ | ⊥ |
1 | 0 |
In a String sequent, premises must be divided by commas ,
. The conclusion must be separated from
the premises by a symbol of logical consequence. If the conclusion is true independent of any premises
(it is a logical theorem), then the sequent must start with a symbol of logical consequence.
All recognized symbols of logical consequence is as follows:
Type | Symbols |
Syntactic Consequence | ⊢, |- |
Semantic Consequence | ⊨, |= |
* Even though the symbols denote different concepts of logical consequence, they are not treated differently in this instance.
- Propositional Logic
- Lexer and Parser
- Abstract Syntax Tree
- TruthTable
- Javadocs
- Semantic Validity checker
- Syntactic Validity checker (Inference Rules)
- Quantificational Logic
- Lexer and Parser
- Abstract Syntax Tree
- Javadocs
- Subject variables
- Predicates
- Quantifiers
- Validity?
- Restructuring (extract generic classes, two packages for PL and QL)