Culimary is a tool to visualize and fine recipes based on json data. Filter by ingredient, type and name is available.
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run test:unit
npm run lint
Generated automatically by with the following script
'repeat(50)': {
id: '{{objectId()}}',
isFavorite: '{{bool()}}',
name(tags) {
return tags.lorem(tags.integer(2, 5), "word");
type: '{{random("entré", "plat", "dessert")}}',
location(tags) {
const type = tags.random("livre", "web");
return {
type: type,
detail: type === 'web' ? `${tags.lorem(1, 'word')}-${tags.lorem(1, 'word')}${tags.domainZone()}` : tags.lorem(3, 'word')
ingredients: [
'repeat(3, 5)': '{{random("courgette", "tomate", "tofu", "pamplemousse", "fenouil", "choux-fleur", "chocolat", "riz", "courge", "maïs")}}'