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DNS Host lists

Filters metadata

  • metadata.json

    Filter metadata. Includes name, description, etc.

    • filterId — unique human-readable filter identifier (string)
    • id - unique internal filter identifier (integer)
    • name — filter name; can be localized
    • description — filter description
    • timeAdded — time when this filter was added to the registry; milliseconds since January 1, 1970; you can exec new Date().getTime() in the browser console to get the current time
    • homepage — filter website/homepage
    • expires — filter's default expiration period
    • displayNumber — this number is used when AdGuard sorts available filters (GUI)
    • tags — a list of tags
    Metadata example
      "filterId": "adguard_dns_filter",
      "id": 1,
      "name": "AdGuard DNS filter",
      "description": "Filter composed of several other filters (AdGuard Base filter, Social Media filter, Tracking Protection filter, Mobile Ads filter, EasyList and EasyPrivacy) and simplified specifically to be better compatible with DNS-level ad blocking.",
      "timeAdded": 1404115015843,
      "homepage": "",
      "expires": "4 days",
      "displayNumber": 3,
      "tags": []
  • revision.json

    Filter version metadata, automatically filled and overwritten on each build.

  • filter.txt

    Resulting compiled filter.

  • configuration.json

    Configuration defines your filter list sources, and the transformations that are applied to the sources. See Hostlist compiler configuration for details


Every filter can be marked by a number of tags. Every tag metadata listed in /tags/metadata.json.

  "tagId": 1,
  "keyword": "purpose:ads"

Possible tags:

  • lang:* — for language-specific filters; one or multiple lang-tags can be used. For instance, AdGuard Russian filter is marked with the lang:ru tag.

  • purpose:* — determines filters purposes; multiple purpose-tags can be used for one filter list. For instance, List-KR is marked with both purpose:ads and purpose:privacy.

  • recommended — for low-risk filter lists which are recommended to use in their category. The category is determined by the pair of the lang:* and purpose:* tags.

  • obsolete — for abandoned filter lists; filter's metadata with this tag will be excluded from filters.json and filters_i18n.json.

Services metadata

  • services.json

    Service metadata. Includes id, name, rules, icon.

    • id — unique human-readable service identifier (string)
    • name — service name (string)
    • rules - list of rules (list of strings)
    • icon_svg - svg icon (string)
    Service example
      "id": "wechat",
      "name": "WeChat",
      "rules": [
      "icon_svg": "<svg xmlns=\"\" className=\"d-none\"><symbol id=\"service_wechat\" viewBox=\"0 0 50 50\" fill=\"currentColor\"><path d=\"M 19 6 C 9.625 6 2 12.503906 2 20.5 C 2 24.769531 4.058594 28.609375 7.816406 31.390625 L 5.179688 39.304688 L 13.425781 34.199219 C 15.714844 34.917969 18.507813 35.171875 21.203125 34.875 C 23.390625 39.109375 28.332031 42 34 42 C 35.722656 42 37.316406 41.675781 38.796875 41.234375 L 45.644531 45.066406 L 43.734375 38.515625 C 46.3125 36.375 48 33.394531 48 30 C 48 23.789063 42.597656 18.835938 35.75 18.105469 C 34.40625 11.152344 27.367188 6 19 6 Z M 13 14 C 14.101563 14 15 14.898438 15 16 C 15 17.101563 14.101563 18 13 18 C 11.898438 18 11 17.101563 11 16 C 11 14.898438 11.898438 14 13 14 Z M 25 14 C 26.101563 14 27 14.898438 27 16 C 27 17.101563 26.101563 18 25 18 C 23.898438 18 23 17.101563 23 16 C 23 14.898438 23.898438 14 25 14 Z M 34 20 C 40.746094 20 46 24.535156 46 30 C 46 32.957031 44.492188 35.550781 42.003906 37.394531 L 41.445313 37.8125 L 42.355469 40.933594 L 39.105469 39.109375 L 38.683594 39.25 C 37.285156 39.71875 35.6875 40 34 40 C 27.253906 40 22 35.464844 22 30 C 22 24.535156 27.253906 20 34 20 Z M 29.5 26 C 28.699219 26 28 26.699219 28 27.5 C 28 28.300781 28.699219 29 29.5 29 C 30.300781 29 31 28.300781 31 27.5 C 31 26.699219 30.300781 26 29.5 26 Z M 38.5 26 C 37.699219 26 37 26.699219 37 27.5 C 37 28.300781 37.699219 29 38.5 29 C 39.300781 29 40 28.300781 40 27.5 C 40 26.699219 39.300781 26 38.5 26 Z\" /></symbol></svg>"

How to build

yarn install

Run the following command:

node index.js


Hostlists Registry






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