(Still under development ... 🏗️)
Community-curated list of software packages and data resources for Glycoscience Contributions welcome.
This collection is inspired by awesome-single-cell.
Recommended label lists my favorites -- they only reflect my personal reference and are not rigorously evaluated. Contact me if you would like other software to be added!
- Glycowork - [python] - Glycowork is a Python package specifically designed to simplify glycan sequence processing and analysis.
- CandyCrunch - [python] - CandyCrunch is a package for predicting glycan structure from LC-MS/MS data. It contains the CandyCrunch model, along with the rest of the inference pipeline and downstream spectrum processing tools.
- GlycoSHIELD - [python] - GlycoSHIELD is a simple MD pipeline to generate realistic glycoprotein models.
- GlyCONFORMER - [python] - Code to generate N-glycan conformer strings based on torsion angle values.
- Glycosylator - [python] - A versatile Python framework for the rapid modeling of glycans.
- Re-Glyco - [python] - The Python software re-glycosylates protein structures using MD simulation results from the glycoshape database. It takes alphafold protein structures as input and outputs modified structures with glycans added at appropriate sites. online demo
- GlyCosmos - [webportal] - A web portal aiming to integrate glycosciences with the life sciences. It consists of Standards, Repositories, and Data Resources, providing information about genes, proteins, lipids, pathways, and diseases. Recommended
- GlyGen - [webportal] -A data integration and dissemination project for carbohydrate and glycoconjugate-related data. GlyGen retrieves information from multiple international data sources and integrates and harmonizes this data.Recommended
- Glyco3D - [webportal] - Glyco3D is a portal of databases covering the three-dimensional features of monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides (Conformations and NMR spectra), polysaccharides, glycosyltransferases, lectins, monoclonal antibodies against carbohydrates, and glycosaminoglycan binding proteins.
- GlycoCoO - [database] - Glycoconjugate Ontology (GlycoCoO) is a standard ontology for glycoconjugate data (glycoprotein/glycolipid structures, publication information, biological source information, experimental data).
- GlycoRDF - [database] - GlycoRDF is a standard representation for storing Glycomics data (glycan structures, publication information, biological source information, experimental data) in RDF.
- GlycoShape - [webportal/database] - GlycoShape is an OA database of glycans 3D structural data and information that can be downloaded or used with Re-Glyco to rebuild glycoproteins from the RCSB PDB or EMBL-EBI AlphaFold repositories.
- GlyConnect Compozitor - [webserver] -Visualises glycan compositions as a network of relations of shared monosaccharides Outputs interactive graphs summarising information searched in the GlyConnect database.