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A simple classifier for twitter bot accounts based on Random Forest Algorithm

See our Methodology for bot detection

Install for common usage with pip

Create a virtual env if needed

pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 social-networks-bot-finder
source social-networks-bot-finder/bin/activate


pip3 install social-networks-bot-finder

Then you can launch botfinder

Install for development

git clone
cd social-networks-bot-finder

Virtual env

We strongly recommend that you use a virtual env for any development in python

For this

pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 social-networks-bot-finder
source social-networks-bot-finder/bin/activate

build on local

If you do not want to develop but just use the software, do


Then you can use botfinder as an executable command

use for development with no build

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Then you can use ./ as an executable command


To get the bot score probability of a user account, you can do so

# by username: this will use snscrape to get the data
botfinder --name username

# by user data you just got from snscrape
SNSCRAPE_USER=$(snscrape --with-entity --max-results 0 --jsonl twitter-user username)
echo "botfinder --rawjson '$SNSCRAPE_USER'"
# -> and launch the result of this command

# by user data you just got from snscrape and stored into a file
botfinder --jsonfile ./filepath.json


botfinder --username ambnum

will return

  "botScore": 0.14,
  "details": {
    "statuses_count": -0.08,
    "followers_count": -0.195,
    "favourites_count": 0.009,
    "friends_count": -0.036,
    "listed_count": -0.153,
    "default_profile": -0.041,
    "profile_use_background_image": 0,
    "verified": 0.013,
    "age": -0.003,
    "tweet_frequence": -0.013,
    "followers_growth_rate": -0.019,
    "friends_growth_rate": 0,
    "listed_growth_rate": -0.068,
    "friends_followers_ratio": -0.009,
    "followers_friend_ratio": -0.004,
    "name_length": -0.001,
    "screenname_length": 0,
    "name_digits": -0,
    "screen_name_digits": -0.002,
    "description_length": -0.009

Using Docker

"regular" image

# build and run image yourself
docker build --tag botfinder:latest -f Dockerfile .
docker run -it -d --name botfinder --rm botfinder

# or pull from Dockerhub

# execute your command in the container
docker exec -it botfinder botfinder --username ambnum

ARM/M1 image (using conda)

Note that you need to activate the conda env everytime you want to use docker exec which slows things down... See this article for a description of the issue.

# build and run image yourself
docker build  --tag botfinder:latest -f Dockerfile.conda .
docker run -it -d --name botfinder-conda --rm botfinder:latest

# execute your command in the container
docker exec -it botfinder-conda conda init bash && conda activate botfinder && botfinder --username ambnum


This package is deployed on pypi as a package named social-networks-bot-finder. So that it can be installed using pip We are using twine for this

pip install twine
npm install -g semver # for consistent package number generation
pip install gitchangelog # to generate changelog automatically based on git commits

Authentication on pyPi

In order to not set your username and password again and again, you can set them using thos

keyring set username

Deploy a new release

A new release should come with a new version We are using semver to generate consistent package number

# org
./ patch # for small fixes
./ minor # for minor features
./ major # for breaking changes

This will bum the version in botfinder/ and create a git tag


Illegal instruction: 4

If your installation fail, it might be because you're not using a virtual environment :

pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 social-networks-bot-finder
source social-networks-bot-finder/bin/activate

ERROR: Could not detect requirement name...

ERROR: Could not detect requirement name for 'git+', please specify one with #egg=your_package_name

In requirements.txt file, you have to add #egg=your_package_name to github repository url. In this case, replace git+ git+

Install on M1/ARM processors

As of today, the easiest way to install the package and its dependencies on a M1/ARM chip is via conda

Install conda

We recommend downloading and installing the python 3.9 version of conda. The miniconda distribution is enough for our purpose.

Navigate to root of repository and pull the latest changes

Create a new conda environment

conda env create --name botfinder python=3.9 -f environment.yml

and activate it :

conda activate botfinder

Install botfinder

python -m pip install -e .

Check that it worked

botfinder --help

Command line is too slow

In order to profile the execution of the command line, you can use a profiler named tuna

pip install tuna

time python -X importtime --rawjson '{"_id":"60d352cf13b64d38e9a184dd","id":"1106210510058463233","platformId":"twitter","created":"2019-03-14T15:08:32.000Z","createdAt":"2021-06-23T15:27:11.019Z","description":"Social Enterprise Digital Marketing Agency - Empowering our staff with knowledge & skills to provide the best quality marketing services  WEB | PPC | SEO & more","displayname":"Ground Up Digital","favouritesCount":500,"followersCount":583,"friendsCount":592,"linkUrl":"","listedCount":4,"location":"Leeds","mediaCount":164,"profileImageUrl":"","statusesCount":541,"updatedAt":"2021-06-23T15:27:11.019Z","username":"GroundUpDigital","verified":false}' 2> import.log

tuna import.log