This is an IRC client implemented in Python3.
List of commands (not case sensitive):
/SERVER (add|delete|list) [<name> <ip> <port>]
Name, IP, and port are required if the add option is used
Name is required if the delete option is used
/SET <server name>.(nick|username|realname) <value>
You must have a nick and username set before connecting
Example: /set freenode.nick testuser
/CONNECT <name> | Connect to the saved server
/DISCONNECT | Disconnect from the current server
/JOIN #<channel name> | Join a channel
/NICK <new nick> | Changes your nick
Note: In order to change your username, you'll need to log out,
use the /SET command, and log back in
/NAMES [#<channel name>]
List all visible channels & users if no arguments are given
If channel name is given, list all visible names in that channel
/QUIT [:<message>] | Closes the connection & exits the program
/EXIT [:<message>] | Same as /QUIT
/HELP | Display this help dialog
While in a channel:
/NAMES | List all visible nicknames in the current channel
/PART [<part message>] | Leaves the current channel
/PRIVMSG <nick> :<message> | Send a private message to a user