Challenge Description
You are responsible for writing a node app using nextjs. Your app will consist of two pages (a form, and a feed), and a server that reads and writes to the feed.
Challenge: Create a new Github project with NextJS and React that meets the following criteria:
- Starts with the command
npm i && npm run dev
- Shows a form with “name” and “message” when it runs at localhost:3000
- When submitting form, runs a
and resets with a success message (should show an error if things are missing). - A link on the homepage takes you to
and shows all posts that have been submitted from the previous form.
- A link on that page exists to go back to the homepage
- You do not need to persist that data in any database, just keep it in memory.
Feel free to add the following
- Add some UI/UX features
- Unit tests (coverage)
- Code linting
My work
When a guest enters their Name and Message, if successful I redirect them to the Guestbook page where they can see their entry.
UI and Styling
I looked at how best to import style sheets but ran into a wall.
I'm using style jsx for the most part. I will get the import css style sheets working later for my own education.
Error handling and how I display errors and validation is very simple.
Hosting and Deployment
I am hosting on heroku where I auto deploy now whenever I commit to the Master repo.
Local Dev
npm run dev
- Code linting is enabled via next.config.js (But it's not running after babel setup. I'll review later.) (I started setting these to warning just so as I was coding it would still build.)
- Testing with Jest and Enzyme (Terminal: npm run test || npm run test:watch) Runs all tests (With snapshots for react)
I resolved an issue I ran into on "/pages/guestbook.js" where when I refreshed the browser it would return a 404 not found error.
I was trying to load recent messages by fetching from my local express server route in getInitialProps(). I noticed the issue where I had to use a full URL (ex; http://localhost:3000/api/guestbook).
I changed it so I load guestmessages from componentDidMount and load it to the components state.
TODO: Add redirect message and logic (from index page where state exists) Add validation to prevent duplicate guests