This project has a bunch of known issues, especially in newer versions of Windows. The above project works perfectly, doesn't have to run any extra programs on your computer, and is generally More Betterer in basically every way
This project sets up a relay for your SSH agent so that your WSL installation will use the SSH agent built into Windows. Did you know there's an SSH Agent built into Windows? What a world!
Via an Elevated PowerShell account:
Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client~~~~
sc.exe config ssh-agent start=auto
net start ssh-agent
Then, add a key, in PowerShell:
ssh-add ## Here's where you put in your password, once
First install the dependencies, daemonize
and socat
yay -Sy daemonize socat
## or
apt install daemonize socat
Then, install it:
git clone
cd ssh-agent-relay
sudo make install
Now, open up ~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
and add:
eval $(ssh-agent-relay)
Copy your SSH keys from the Windows side over to $HOME/.ssh
and you're all set