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Piped linking

anandnet edited this page Aug 19, 2023 · 2 revisions

Piped linking for playlist


  • To link piped go to Settings-> Section "Piped" -> click link
  • Popup appear -> Select authentication Instance from dropdown -> Fill Username & password -> click link

⚠️ Caution

    - Any modification or creation related to Piped is directly synced with server. 
      So please be careful when you do any modification or deletion related to Piped playlist through app.

    - If you make any changes from Piped website parallelly please click sync button in "Library playlist" for reflecting changes in App

View Piped Playlist

  • Go to Library Playlist tab -> Scroll down -> You will see your Piped playlist (If you have on server)

Create Piped Playlist

  • Go to Library Playlist tab -> Click add fab button
  • Popup appear -> select Piped radio button -> Fill name -> Click create

Add song to piped playlist

  • Long press on any song -> sected add to playlist
  • Popup appear -> select Piped radio button -> Select one of the Piped playlist

Delete song from piped playlist

  • Open any Piped playlist -> long press on any song -> select remove from playlist

Blacklist Piped playlist

  • As Piped playlist can also be non-musical, so you can blacklist them by clicking blacklist icon button on the playlist thumnail

Reset blacklisted playlist

  • Go to Settings -> Reset blacklisted playlist section -> click reset -> Now all playlist will be apeared in library

Rename and delete playlist

  • Open any Piped playlist -> Click 3 dots icon -> seclect appropriate option in bottom sheet.

❗Limitation of Piped playlist

  • You cannot view Artists and Album of songs related to the Piped playlist (due to limited data returned from piped api for playlist songs)