This is a replica of a Blogging Applicaton's Backend , implemented using Java and Spring boot framework and MySQL with JDBC template for persistence!
Implemented and tested on the following specs and versions -
- MySQL VERSION - 8.0.27-0
- OS - ubuntu0.20.04.1
- Java 11
- Maven version - Apache Maven 3.6.3
For localhost ->
Note = Refer to file to make a few changes required to run the server on local machine(Without docker)
Steps to create DB schema -> Ensure that you have a user 'admin' created already in your MySQL server, with password 'admin123'
DB schema can be build using the following command
- cd src/main/resources/
- mysql -u admin -p -e 'source db.sql';
To build and run the server , make sure you are in the dir /BloggingApplication/ i.e root project dir and execute the command - mvn spring-boot:run
Access the swagger documentation at localhost:8085/swagger-ui.html
To run the API server on a docker container follows the steps as listed below ->
Prereqs- Docker Docker can be installed by doing -> sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install wget wget -qO- | sh sudo usermod -aG docker $USER sudo service docker start newgrp docker
Note - Instead of step 1 listed below, the docker image for this backend server can also be downloaded directly from Docker Hub
From here ->
Use the Dockerfile from root project dir to create a docker image for the API server
- Ensure that you are in dir BloggingApplication/
- Run the command to create a jar file
- mvn clean package
- This will create the jar file inside target/ dir
- Run the command to build docker image for the application
- sudo docker build -t blogappbackend .
Create a new network for the MYSQL container and blogappbackend docker containers , so that both of them can talk to each other
- Run the command sudo docker network create blogapp-net to make a network 'blogapp-net'
Since the application uses MYSQL for persistence , docker image for MYSQL is also required
- To fetch the MYSQL image and run it as container, run the command docker run --name mysql-standalone --network blogapp-net -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -e MYSQL_DATABASE=test -e MYSQL_USER=admin -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=admin123 -d mysql:8.0.27
Now we have to create the DB schema inside the running MYSQL container
- Copy the 'src/main/resources/db.sql' file to the running mysql container first
- You can use the command docker ps to get the container id
- Then use the command docker cp <path-to-db.sql> :/
- To run the db.sql file inside mysql container , first get inside the mysql container using command docker exec -it bash
- Now run the command mysql -u root -p -e 'source db.sql' once you are inside the container
- You can check if the DB schema got create in MYSQL or not by logging into mysql console on the container as root user with command mysql -u root -p
- Copy the 'src/main/resources/db.sql' file to the running mysql container first
Now run the blogappbackend container on network blogapp-net (as previously created), with command docker run --network=blogapp-net -p8085:8085 blogappbackend This will bind the port 8085 on docker container to port 8085 on the host machine
Once the server starts successfully on port 8085 of container , you can start making requests at localhost:8085
- Go to localhost:8085/swagger-ui.html for swagger doc