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HOWTO install dependencies

Andrea Lani edited this page Jun 18, 2018 · 11 revisions

COOLFluiD depends on the following packages:

boost (versions: 1.42, 1.47, 1.54, 1.55, 1.59, 1.60)

cmake (versions >= 2.8.11)

curl (optional)

MPI (openmpi, mpich, mvapich)

parmetis (versions: 3.1, 4.0.3)

petsc (versions: 3.3, 3.4.2, 3.6.3, 3.7.3, 3.7.6, 3.9.0) (optional)

trilinos (optional)

NOTE (1): In order not to have problems with boost compilation, please make sure to have the header bzlib.h in your system (this usually come together with the libbz2-dev library).

NOTE (2): Please also make sure to have a FORTRAN compiler installed (e.g. gfortran) which is required by default by some packages (e.g. MPI, PETSc).

COOLFluiD can be compiled

  • on Linux using GNU or Intel compilers;
  • on MAC OS X using GNU or Clang compilers.

It used to compile on Windows too, but needs to be verified ...

NOTE: if you don't want to install all or some of the dependencies, a script is available for automatically install them.

COOLFluiD also provides a script ( to ease installation for users. The exact versions of the above mentioned dependency packages, except for boost which is no longer included (!!), are already available in the repository itself and will be downloaded together with the code. As far as boost is concerned, the installation script uses wget to download a zipped version from a predefined repository. The latter can be easily changed by the user by editing the installation script if problems arise. In case the latter attempt fails (but it shouldn't if the network connection is working properly and the source repository is alive), the user must place by himself the missing boost tar ball inside the folder packages/.

In order to use the installation script, the user can go into the folder tools/scripts/ and run:


This will install all default dependencies (cmake, boost, openmpi, parmetis, petsc) in the default location $HOME/local/coolfluid_deps/$ARCH (inside bin, lib, include subfolders), after having compiled all packages inside $HOME/coolfluid_tmp.

If one prefers to choose some or all installation paths rather than sticking to the defaults, additional command line options can be used, as shown by:

./ --help

In particular,

--install-dir=$opt_install_dir specifies the installation path for packages not depending on MPI;

--install-mpi-dir=$opt_install_mpi_dir specifies the installation path for packages depending on MPI (e.g. openmpi, parmetis, petsc);

--tmp-dir=$opt_tmp_dir gives the folder where the packages will be compiled before the installation;

--install=pack1,pack2 installs comma-separated packages in the specified order;

--with-mpi-dir specifies the path to an existing MPI installation;

--install-petsc-dir=$petsc_dir specifies the installation path for PETSc;

--install-petsc-dir=$parmetis_dir specifies the installation path for ParMETIS.

NOTE: once all COOLFluiD dependencies have been installed, the user must set PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on MAC OS X) variables to point to the right locations.





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