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HOWTO read from an interpolated TECPLOT file

Andrea Lani edited this page Jul 1, 2016 · 46 revisions

COOLFluiD allows for starting a simulation from TECPLOT files. To this end, two TECPLOT files, both in unstructured point-based format, are normally required:

  • .plt file having the mesh and solution for the full domain (for the moment, only one ZONE is supported)
  • .surf.plt file having the mesh and solution corresponding to the boundary nodes, divided in multiple zones.

The following example illustrates the related user-defined settings.

The given mesh/solution will be converted and then read as CFmesh file: Simulator.SubSystem.MeshCreator = CFmeshFileReader

A file named "input.CFmesh" will be read: Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Data.FileName = input.CFmesh

Herein, your file is either local (in the directory from which you are running) or the path to it is relative to your COOLFluiD base directory. For instance: ../../RESULTS/input.CFmesh would mean that ../../ corresponds to your COOLFluiD base directory.

A given "input.plt" will be converted to "input.CFmesh": Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.convertFrom = Tecplot2CFmesh

The following two options define the conversion to a Finite Volume CFmesh format: Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Tecplot2CFmesh.Discontinuous = true Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Tecplot2CFmesh.SolutionOrder = P0

The TECPLOT file is in point-based format: Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Tecplot2CFmesh.HasBlockFormat = false

The names of the boundary zones defined in the .surf.plt file are specified: Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Tecplot2CFmesh.SurfaceTRS = Wall Inlet Outlet

The names of the variables to be read in both the .plt and .surf.plt are specified (note that the coordinates "x0","x1", "x2" must not appear explicitly here):
Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Tecplot2CFmesh.ReadVariables = "p" "u" "v" "T"

The number of element types is given (but only 1 is supported for now): Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Tecplot2CFmesh.NbElementTypes = 1

The following flag must be set to true if only the mesh (no solution) is read: Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Tecplot2CFmesh.SkipSolution = false

In general, data inside .plt and .surf.plt must have the same exact precision, since nodes will be matched by position between the two files. The precision of the floating data to be read can be rounded up using the following option: Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Tecplot2CFmesh.Precision = 9 #default is 8

Simulator.SubSystem.CellCenterFVM.Restart = true





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