Log.log("Message text without category")
Log.my.log("Message text with custom category")
Log.network.log("Message text with network category")
Log.ui.log("Message text simple")
Log.ui.log(tag: "TAG", "Message text with tag")
Log.ui.log(tag: "TAG", "Message text with not default type", .success)
Log.ui.log(tag: "TAG", "Message text with full form style", .error, style: .full)
Log.ui.log("Success type", .success, style: .full)
Log.ui.log("Into type", .info, style: .full)
Log.ui.log("Error type", .error, style: .full)
Log.ui.log("Warning type", .warning, style: .full)
Log.ui.log("Canceled type", .canceled, style: .full)
Add your category:
extension Log {
static let my = Log(category: "MY_CATEGORY")
static let model = Log(category: "MODEL")
Enum cases:
enum LogType: String {
case error = "📕"
case warning = "📙"
case success = "📗"
case info = "📘"
case canceled = "📓"
enum LogStyle {
case full
case short
CSwiftLog is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'CSwiftLog', '1.0.2'
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
Andrew Firsenko, t.me/andrewfirsenko
CSwiftLog is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.