A LoRa gateway logging service that uses MQTT to report on the uptime of the network connection. Watcher App Introduction A LoRa gateway logging service that uses MQTT to report on the uptime of the network connection. The application enables you to
- Know the status of the network connection of the Lora gateway
- Health status of the LoRa gateway.
Tools: i. Public MQTT broker ii. Host: broker.emqx.io iii. Port: 1883
Language: Python IDE: Pycharm
The following steps were followed in developing the watcher app:
- Setting up MQTT broker. The figure below shows the EMQX dashboard.
- After the above step, two programs were developed, that is ‘watcherPublisher.py’ and ‘watcherSubscriber.py’. i. watcherPublisher.py The figure below shows the running of watcherPublisher.py:
ii. watcherSubscriber.py The figure below shows the running of watcherSubscriber.py