- XAMPP or (PHP with version >= 5.6.4 & mySQL)
- Composer
- NodeJS
- Bower
- Clone this repository or Download the ZIP file.
$ git clone https://github.com/andriantonee/Dota-Battleground-Web-and-API.git project-directory
- Then get into the project-directory.
$ cd project-directory
- Copy & Paste .env.example file and Rename to .env.
- Run composer install to install dependencies.
$ composer install
- Generate Application Key.
$ php artisan key:generate
- Create database in mySQL with name dota_battleground.
- Run installation schema.
$ php artisan migrate
- Generate Passport Key.
$ php artisan passport:key
- Generate CLIENT ID for Passport Authentication.
$ php artisan passport:client --password --name="Laravel Password Grant Client"
- Change PASSPORT_CLIENT_ID & PASSPORT_CLIENT_SECRET variable inside .env file using value from generated CLIENT ID above.
- Run bower install to install CSS & JS dependencies.
$ bower install
- Generate symlink folder using php artisan.
$ php artisan storage:link
- Generate Challonge Developer API Key and change CHALLONGE_API_KEY variable inside .env file.
- Generate Dota 2 API Key and change DOTA2_API_KEY variable inside .env file.
- Create Pusher Project and change PUSHER_APP_ID, PUSHER_KEY and PUSHER_SECRET variable inside .env file.