MongoDB Slow Log Analyzer is a Python script that processes MongoDB slow log files, extracts relevant information, and print it. For more deep analysis data is stores in an SQLite database.
- MongoDB version 4.4 or higher
- Python 3
To install the required dependencies, run the following command:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 [log] [--db DB_PATH] [--limit ROW_LIMIT] [--char-limit CHAR_LIMIT] [--count COUNT] [--sql]
python3 --db ./slow-log.sql --limit 10 --char-limit 100 --count 5 /var/log/mongod.log
python3 --sql
python3 --sql --limit 30 --char-limit 200 --count 100
db.setProfilingLevel(0, { slowms: 100 })
MongoDB's built-in profiler offers a range of options for slow log analysis, but it comes with its challenges. Setting a profiling level affects server performance, and the default profiler collection, system.profile, has a 1MB size limit. To increase the size, the collection needs to be manually deleted. Handling this on replica sets adds complexity, as commands on the primary node for system.profile do not automatically propagate to replicas.
This script provides a straightforward solution for estimating slow queries without affecting server performance. It eliminates the need for manual tuning of the system.profile collection and simplifies the analysis process on replica sets.