Interact with your Bose SoundTouch account and devices using PowerShell
Andy Lyonette
PowerShell 3.0
- Create folder C:\Users\[username]\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\BoseSoundTouch
- Copy BoseSoundTouch\BoseSoundTouch.ps1 and BoseSoundTouch\BoseSoundTouch.psm1 into that directory.
- Unblock BoseSoundTouch.ps1 and BoseSoundTouch.psm1 by right clicking each file and going to properties or using the cmdlet 'Unlock-File'
In order to send commands to a Bose SoundTouch device each time you open a new PowerShell session you first need to get a token from the Bose SoundTouch API nd get the a list of Bose SoundTouch devices associated with your account. This can be achieved with the following commands:
$token = Get-BoseSoundTouchAccountToken -Credential (Get-Credential)
$devices = Get-BoseSoundTouchAccountDevice -Token $token
You can see all the devices by typing $devices
and select an individual device by piping th Where-Object
$device = $devices | Where-Object {$ -like "Bose SoundTouch 10 - Bathroom"}
If you only have one Bose SoundTouch device in your SoundTouch account you just can use:
$token = Get-BoseSoundTouchAccountToken -Credential (Get-Credential)
$device = Get-BoseSoundTouchAccountDevice -Token $token
This $device
variable can now be used with each of the Cmdlets. For example:
Select-SoundTouchDevicePreset -Preset 4 -Device $device
Set-SoundTouhcDeviceVolume -Volume 50 -Device $device
The following cmdlets are available in the module complete with full comment-based help. In order to find out more about any cmdlet use the Get-Help cmdlet.
Eg. Get-Help New-BoseSoundTouchDeviceZone -Detailed
or Get-Help Add-BoseSoundTouchDeviceZoneSlave -Examples
- Get-SoundTouchAccountToken
- Get-SoundTouchAccountDevice
- Get-SoundTouchAccountPreset
- Add-SoundTouchDeviceZoneSlave
- Get-SoundTouchDevice
- Get-SoundTouchDeviceBass
- Get-SoundTouchDeviceBassCapabilities
- Get-SoundTouchDeviceNowPlaying
- Get-SoundTouchDevicePreset
- Get-SoundTouchDeviceSource
- Get-SoundTouchDeviceTrackInfo
- Get-SoundTouchDeviceVolume
- Get-SoundTouchDeviceZone
- Invoke-SoundTouchDeviceKeyPress
- New-SoundTouchDeviceZone
- Remove-SoundTouchDeviceZoneSlave
- Select-SoundTouchDevicePreset
- Select-SoundTouchDeviceSource
- Set-SoundTouchDeviceBass
- Set-SoundTouchDeviceName
- Testing performed against the following devices: Bose LifeStyle 535 Series 2 with SoundTouch Wireless Adapter Bose SA-4 with SoundTouch Wireless Adapter Bose SoundTouch 20 Series 3 Bose SoundTouch 10 Bose SoundTouch Wireless Link
- Tested on firmware
- Initial release
API refererence from:
Suggestions, improvements and fixes are all welcome!