##Mongoose ported to Android
This is a port of Mongoose web server to Android. Runs only on rooted phones.
Currently it is a Cross-compiled executable with an interface to edit the command-line options for mongoose and to start/stop the web server.
The error log is stored in /data/local/downloads/ of your webserver.
To build the cross-compiled binary, refer to the BuildOnAndroid page.
For this Java project, the binary is placed in the res/raw folder and is copied to /data/local folder on the device when the program runs.
- Provide an interface to the command line options
- Currently stopping the server is a dirty hack with ps | grep mongoose and kill -9. But Java is a bitch and does not give me the process' id without delving into the command line stuff.
- Current version executes a binary. A more elegant way would be to write JNI code with which Java can interact with directly.
- Try for no-root.