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Investor Bulletin is a FastAPI server that fetches real-time stock market prices from Twelvedata and allows users to manage custom alert rules, all in one place.

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Investor Bulletin

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Table of Contents

Technology Used


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Python 3.11: Make sure you have Python 3.11 or a compatible version installed on your system.

  • Twelvedata API Key: Create an account and obtain an API key from Twelvedata or your preferred stock data API provider.

  • Docker: Ensure you have Docker installed on your system. You can download and install Docker from Docker's official website.

  • Shell Access: For those on macOS or Linux, you'll be using your terminal. Windows users should go with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) or use Bash for a compatible shell experience. If you're new to WSL, here's a guide to get started.


  • ⚠️🚨 Caution: When querying Twelvedata API, stay within the 800 requests/day limit to avoid issues (429 HTTP Code Status - Too Many Requests).


The objective of this project is to build a FastAPI server that retrieves the latest stock market prices from an external resource (Rapid API - Twelvedata) and allows users to manage custom alert rules by persisting them in a database.


  • Retrieve the latest market prices for specific symbols (AAPL, MSFT, GOOG, AMZN, META) ✅.
  • Create alert rules with properties: name, threshold price, and symbol ✅.
  • Update alert rules by ID ✅.
  • Delete alert rules by ID ✅.
  • Get a list of all alert rules ✅.
  • Get a list of all alerts ✅.
  • Integrate RabbitMQ for message handling ✅.
  • Support background task execution ✅.

Routes and Descriptions

HTTP Method Route Description
GET /health Health check endpoint to ensure the service is running properly.
GET / Root endpoint.
GET /api/v1/market-prices Returns the latest market prices for mentioned symbols (AAPL, MSFT, GOOG, AMZN, META).
POST /api/v1/alert-rules Creates an alert rule with properties:
- name: Name of the alert rule.
- threshold_price: Threshold price for triggering the alert.
- symbol: Symbol associated with the alert.
PATCH /api/v1/alert-rules/{id} Updates an alert rule by ID.
DELETE /api/v1/alert-rules/{id} Deletes an alert rule by ID.
GET /api/v1/alert-rules Returns a list of all alert rules.
GET /api/v1/alerts Returns a list of all alerts.

Logic Workflow

Logic Workflow

System Overview Workflow

System Workflow


Provide instructions on how to run the project, including any environment variables that need to be set, API authentication, and any other relevant details.

# Clone the repository
$ git clone

# CD to the repository
$ cd investor_bulletin/src

# Move .env.example to .env
$ mv .env.example .env

# Fill the environment variables in the .env file

# Create Python Virtualenv
$ python3 -m venv investor_bulletin

# Activate Python Virtualenv
$ source investor_bulletin/bin/activate

# Install dependencies
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# Run underling infrastructure
$ cd dev_setup/ && make up && chmod a+x up && ./up

# Run the FastAPI server
$ cd src && uvicorn api.main:app --reload

# Run alembic migrations & seeders
$ alembic upgrade head

# Stop underling infrastructure
$ cd dev_setup/ && make down && chmod a+x down && ./down

$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:{YOUR_PATH}/investor_bulletin/src/

# Publish event on RabbitMQ
$ python3 core/

# Start RabbitMQ Consumer 
$ python3 event_subscriber/

# Run Celery Worker
$ cd worker/ && celery -A app.celery_app worker --loglevel=info

# Run Celery Beat
$ cd worker/ && celery -A app.celery_app beat --loglevel=info


When you visit, you'll find a concise list of available endpoints

Swagger Routes

You can also visit the database portal for CockroachDB through http://localhost:8080

CockroachDB Portal

Also you can visit the RabbitMQ portal through http://localhost:15672/

RabbitMQ Portal

If you want to test the RabbitMQ publisher you can run the following command

$ python3 core/

RabbitMQ Publisher

If you want to test the RabbitMQ subscriber you can run the following command

$ python3 event_subscriber/

RabbitMQ Subscriber

After running the Celery Worker you should see the following in your terminal using the following command cd worker/ && celery -A app.celery_app worker --loglevel=info

Celery Worker

Also after running the Celery Beat you should see the following in your terminal using the following command cd worker/ && celery -A app.celery_app beat --loglevel=info

Celery Beat


Investor Bulletin is a FastAPI server that fetches real-time stock market prices from Twelvedata and allows users to manage custom alert rules, all in one place.






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