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Connection secrets now use k8s secrets dropdown in the UI form #280

Connection secrets now use k8s secrets dropdown in the UI form

Connection secrets now use k8s secrets dropdown in the UI form #280

Workflow file for this run

name: AWX Integration
branches: [devel]
branches: [devel]
GO_VERSION: "1.17"
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
name: operator-image-build
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Build operator container
run: podman build -t ${{ env.OPERATOR_IMAGE }} .
- name: archive operator image
run: podman save ${OPERATOR_IMAGE} > operator.tar
- name: upload operator image
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: operator.tar
path: operator.tar
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
name: runner-image-build
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Build runner container
run: podman build -f Dockerfile.runner -t ${{ env.RUNNER_IMAGE }}
- name: archive runner image
run: podman save ${RUNNER_IMAGE} > runner.tar
- name: upload runner image
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: runner.tar
path: runner.tar
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
name: token-image-build
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Build token generator
run: cd test-e2e/token-container && podman build . --tag ${{ env.TOKEN_IMAGE }}
- name: archive token image
run: podman save ${TOKEN_IMAGE} > token.tar
- name: upload token image
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: token.tar
path: token.tar
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
name: minikube-test
needs: [operator-image-build, runner-image-build, token-image-build]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Start minikube
uses: medyagh/setup-minikube@master
memory: max
cpus: max
- name: Pull the Container Image from Artifacts
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: operator.tar
path: /tmp
- name: Pull the Container Image from Artifacts
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: runner.tar
path: /tmp
- name: Pull the Container Image from Artifacts
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: token.tar
path: /tmp
- name: Load the Container Image into the minikube
run: |
export SHELL=/bin/bash
eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
docker load < /tmp/operator.tar
docker load < /tmp/runner.tar
docker load < /tmp/token.tar
- name: Install the Kubectl binary
run: |
curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
sudo install ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/
kubectl version --client
- name: record the ci release of awx-operator
run: |
echo "LATEST_RELEASE=$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Clone and install awx operator
run: |
git clone
cp test-e2e/base-operator-install.yaml awx-operator/kustomization.yaml
cd awx-operator
sed -i 's/TAG/${{ env.LATEST_RELEASE }}/g' kustomization.yaml
kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -
cp ../test-e2e/awx-demo.yml ./awx-demo.yml
cp ../test-e2e/awx-deploy.yaml ./kustomization.yaml
sed -i 's/TAG/${{ env.LATEST_RELEASE }}/g' kustomization.yaml
kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl wait deployment -n awx awx-operator-controller-manager --for condition=Available=True --timeout=500s
- name: generate token
run: |
sleep 10
kubectl wait awx -n awx awx-demo --for condition=Successful=true --timeout=720s
kubectl wait deployment -n awx awx-demo-task --for condition=Available=True --timeout=600s
kubectl wait deployment -n awx awx-demo-web --for condition=Available=True --timeout=500s
kubectl apply -f test-e2e/token.yaml
kubectl wait job -n awx create-token --for condition=Complete --timeout=60s
- name: pass environment variables to better run on minikube
run: |
kubectl -n awx set env -c awx-resource-manager deployment/resource-operator-controller-manager MAX_CONCURRENT_RECONCILES_ANSIBLECREDENTIAL_TOWER_ANSIBLE_COM=2
kubectl -n awx set env -c awx-resource-manager deployment/resource-operator-controller-manager MAX_CONCURRENT_RECONCILES_ANSIBLEPROJECT_TOWER_ANSIBLE_COM=2
kubectl -n awx set env -c awx-resource-manager deployment/resource-operator-controller-manager MAX_CONCURRENT_RECONCILES_ANSIBLEJOB_TOWER_ANSIBLE_COM=2
kubectl -n awx set env -c awx-resource-manager deployment/resource-operator-controller-manager MAX_CONCURRENT_RECONCILES_JOBTEMPLATE_TOWER_ANSIBLE_COM=2
kubectl -n awx set env -c awx-resource-manager deployment/resource-operator-controller-manager MAX_CONCURRENT_RECONCILES_WORKFLOWTEMPLATE_TOWER_ANSIBLE_COM=2
kubectl -n awx set env -c awx-resource-manager deployment/resource-operator-controller-manager MAX_CONCURRENT_RECONCILES_ANSIBLEWORKFLOW_TOWER_ANSIBLE_COM=2
kubectl -n awx set env -c awx-resource-manager deployment/resource-operator-controller-manager MAX_CONCURRENT_RECONCILES_ANSIBLEINVENTORY_TOWER_ANSIBLE_COM=2
- name: launch a job
run: |
kubectl apply -f test-e2e/tests/job.yaml
kubectl wait ansiblejob -n awx demo-job --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=80s
kubectl apply -f config/samples/tower_v1alpha1_ansiblejob-broken.yaml -n awx
kubectl wait ansiblejob -n awx broke-job --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=80s
kubectl apply -f test-e2e/tests/job-deprecated.yaml
kubectl wait ansiblejob -n awx demo-job-deprecated --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=80s
kubectl apply -f config/samples/tower_v1alpha1_ansiblejob-broken-dep.yaml -n awx
kubectl wait ansiblejob -n awx broke-job-deprecated --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=80s
- name: launch a template
run: |
kubectl apply -f config/samples/jobtemplate/tower_v1alpha1_jobtemplate-broken.yaml -n awx
kubectl apply -f config/samples/jobtemplate/tower_v1alpha1_jobtemplate_deprecated.yaml -n awx
kubectl apply -f config/samples/jobtemplate/tower_v1alpha1_jobtemplate.yaml -n awx
kubectl wait jobtemplate -n awx jobtemplate-sample --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=60s
kubectl wait jobtemplate -n awx jobtemplate-broken --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=60s
- name: define a workflow template
run: |
kubectl apply -f config/samples/workflowtemplate/tower_v1alpha1_workflowtemplate-broken.yaml -n awx
kubectl apply -f config/samples/workflowtemplate/tower_v1alpha1_workflowtemplate.yaml -n awx
kubectl wait workflowtemplate -n awx workflowtemplate-sample --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=240s
kubectl wait workflowtemplate -n awx workflowtemplate-broken --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=240s
if [ `kubectl get -n awx workflowtemplate workflowtemplate-broken --output="jsonpath={.status.error}"` ]; then echo "Workflow template errored successfully"; else exit 1; fi
- name: launch a workflow
run: |
kubectl apply -f config/samples/workflow/tower_v1alpha1_ansibleworkflow-broken.yaml -n awx
kubectl apply -f config/samples/workflow/tower_v1alpha1_ansibleworkflow.yaml -n awx
kubectl wait ansibleworkflow -n awx workflow --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=240s
kubectl wait ansibleworkflow -n awx broken --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=240s
- name: define a credential
run: |
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f /tmp/id_rsa -N ""
kubectl create secret generic my-ssh-secret --from-file=/tmp/id_rsa -n awx
kubectl apply -n awx -f test-e2e/tests/bearer.yaml
kubectl create secret generic github-secret -n awx --from-literal=username=FSAFDFSDF --from-literal=password=FSDFSDFSDFDFFESFD
kubectl create secret generic aws-secret -n awx --from-literal=username=FSAFDFSDF --from-literal=password=FSDFSDFSDFDFFESFD
kubectl create secret generic github-token-secret -n awx --from-literal=token=FASDFDDSFSDFSDFSDF
kubectl apply -f config/samples/credentials/tower_v1alpha1_ansiblecredential-aws.yaml -n awx
kubectl apply -f config/samples/credentials/tower_v1alpha1_ansiblecredential-bearer.yaml -n awx
kubectl apply -f config/samples/credentials/tower_v1alpha1_ansiblecredential-broken.yaml -n awx
kubectl apply -f config/samples/credentials/tower_v1alpha1_ansiblecredential-git.yaml -n awx
kubectl apply -f config/samples/credentials/tower_v1alpha1_ansiblecredential-sc.yaml -n awx
kubectl apply -f config/samples/credentials/tower_v1alpha1_ansiblecredential-ssh.yaml -n awx
kubectl wait ansiblecredential -n awx aws-cred --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=240s
kubectl wait ansiblecredential -n awx gh-cred --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=240s
kubectl wait ansiblecredential -n awx scm-cred --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=240s
kubectl wait ansiblecredential -n awx ssh-cred --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=240s
kubectl wait ansiblecredential -n awx bearer-cred --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=240s
kubectl wait ansiblecredential -n awx broken-cred --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=240s
- name: launch a project
run: |
kubectl apply -k config/samples/projects/ -n awx
kubectl wait ansibleproject -n awx git --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=240s
kubectl wait ansibleproject -n awx archive --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=240s
kubectl wait ansibleproject -n awx private-git --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=240s
- name: define a schedule
run: |
kubectl apply -f config/samples/tower_v1alpha1_ansibleschedule.yaml -n awx
kubectl wait ansibleschedule -n awx schedule --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=240s
- name: define an instance group
run: |
kubectl apply -f config/samples/tower_v1alpha1_ansibleinstancegroup.yaml -n awx
kubectl wait ansibleinstancegroup -n awx kuber-instance-group --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=240s
- name: create two inventories
run: |
kubectl apply -f config/samples/inventory/tower_v1alpha1_ansibleinventory-clone.yaml -n awx
kubectl apply -f config/samples/inventory/tower_v1alpha1_ansibleinventory-new.yaml -n awx
kubectl wait ansibleinventory -n awx inventory-clone --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=240s
kubectl wait ansibleinventory -n awx inventory-new --for condition=Successful=True --timeout=240s
- name: validate error message
run: |
kubectl get ansiblejob -n awx broke-job -o yaml
kubectl get ansibleworkflow -n awx broken -o yaml
if [[ $(kubectl get ansiblejob -n awx broke-job -o jsonpath={.status.error_message}) ]]; then echo "Job errored correctly"; else exit 1 ;fi
if [[ $(kubectl get ansibleworkflow -n awx broken -o jsonpath={.status.error_message}) ]]; then echo "Workflow errored correctly"; else exit 1 ;fi
- name: dump logs
if: always()
run: kubectl get events -n awx && kubectl get jobs -n awx && kubectl get pods -n awx && kubectl logs -n awx -l control-plane=controller-manager --tail 80 --all-containers