Bakeshop is an easy to use extensible wrapper for pi-gen that reduces the manual
overhead of generating raspberry pi images. Bakeshop uses a JSON based
configuration file called a recipe to define a pi-gen environment before image
build time. Bakeshop allows users to easily add N number of custom settings called
fillings into pi-gens image build process. A Bakeshop recipe incorporates all of
pi-gens configuration file settings plus additional custom configurations that
enable users to skip stages, skip the imaging process of a stage in bulk, pull
from git repositories, and define fillings to be used in a recipe.
Please read pi-gens installation guide before continuing.
The following packages are required for pi-gen:
apt-get install coreutils quilt parted qemu-user-static debootstrap zerofree zip \
dosfstools bsdtar libcap2-bin grep rsync xz-utils file git curl
The following packages are required for Bakeshop:
apt-get install python3 python3-pip uuid-runtime
pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone --recursive [email protected]:anthok/bakeshop.git
A filling is a group of Raspberry Pi configuration settings that define particular configurations a user wants to incorporate in a Bakeshop image. The Bakeshop team recommends modularizing fillings so that they can be reused in future builds i.e., A generic base filling can be used to install the same SSH keys on a Bakeshop image every time a user wants to deploy an image. A more specific filling would then be created to configure the raspberry pi image for the actions it is performing (turning wifi off). Filling names can be named anything, however the contents of a particular filling must follow pi-gens standards. Bakeshop uses strict checking to ensure only pi-gen related files are in the filling directory. The files/ directory can be used to facilitate any other files that need to be placed into a Bakeshop image i.e., SSH public keys to be placed on the image.
When creating a filling the following directory structure must be met:
| |
| +--00-debconf
| +--00-packages
| +--00-packages-nr
| \--files
| |
| \--any_addtional_files_you_need
Please see the pi-gen documentation when determining what content should be placed in each configuration file
A Bakeshop recipe defines the configuration of a Raspberry Pi image. Options in uppercase represent pi-gen native options. Options in lowercase are Bakeshop specific options. Please read the pi-gen documentation to determine which options are right for your Bakeshop build. Bakeshops recipe configuration file supports all configuration parameters allowed by pi-gen. Bakeshop does strict checking on the type value supplied for each setting.
The Bakeshop team recommends using the following base recipe configuration for lite images:
"IMG_NAME": "pi-image",
"STAGE_LIST":"stage0 stage1 stage2 stage-bakeshop",
"skip_stage": ["stage2", "stage4", "stage5"],
"skip_image": ["stage2", "stage3", "stage4", "stage5"],
"fillings": [
"name": "filling0",
"run_priority": 0
"name": "filling1",
"git_url": "[email protected]:bakers/filling1.git",
"git_tag": "1.0",
"ssh_key": "~/.ssh/id_rsa",
"run_priority": 1
"name": "filling2",
"run_priority": 2
"name": "lastfilling3",
"run_priority": 3
The following are custom options integrated into building a Bakeshop image:
A pi-gen specific configuration option that allows the user to specify the order in which stages should be executed. If you are building on top of a raspbian lite image the Bakeshop team recommends leaving the STAGE_LIST as is. If you are trying to build a later stage, consult the pi-gen documentation and reorder the stages accordingly. -
A Bakeshop specific configuration that tells Bakeshop which stages should be skipped. For example: If you are building a raspbian lite image you can skip stages 3,4, and 5. This configuration tells Bakeshop to place the SKIP file in each of the listed stages. See pi-gen documentation for more details on the SKIP file. -
A Bakeshop specific configuration that tells Bakeshop which image creations should be skipped. For example: If you are building a raspbian lite image you can skip image building for stages 4, and 5. This configuration tells Bakeshop to place the SKIP_IMAGE file in each of the listed stages. See pi-gen documentation for more details on the SKIP_IMAGE file. -
A Bakeshop specific configuration which specifies the fillings that are put into Bakeshops custom stage. Each filling is required to have a name and a run_priority.-
The filling name with the recipe must match the name in the fillings directory. -
The run_priority specifies the order in which the recipe is run. Run_priority follows pi-gens naming convention to determine run order. Run_priority can range from 0-99. -
Optional Configurations
Fetches a filling from a git repository. The repo will be pulled using git fetch if it does not exist locally on the system. If it exists locally the latest version of the filling will be pulled unless git_tag is populated. If an internet connection is not available Bakeshop will check the fillings directory to see if an older version of the filling exists. Pulling submodules is not supported through Bakeshop. The Bakeshop team recommends pulling a repo locally with its submodules and pointing Bakeshop to the local version rather than the remote version -
Specifies which git tag to pull from. Git tags should be used to track versions of fillings. -
If you are using gitlab or authentication with github, git_ssh_key can be set to the path of an ssh key associated with a git repo. Password authentication is not supported.
sudo python3 -r recipe/recipe.json {clean}
Bakeshop does have a clean option to remove build directories from a specific recipe. To clean a specific recipe, add the "clean" command. The clean option will attempt to unmount mount points that pi-gen uses during the image build process. This option is experimental, it attempts to solve a problem discovered when building consecutive images. The clean option will also remove the pi-gen work directory of old builds for the specified recipe. If a build is interrupted for any reason, the work directory should be cleaned.
Bakeshop archives any file/folder within pi-gens deploy/ directory and moves the archive into Bakeshops artifacts/ directory. This is useful when generating custom images with encryption keys that should be backed up by the user. Depending on the contents of fillings any other file a user decides to put in the deploy/ directory will be packaged into the final outputs archive. After the build of an image is complete, Bakeshop will delete the contents of pi-gens deploy/ directory. All archives of images built by Bakeshop will be stored if the artifacts/ directory and never deleted.
The Bakeshop team recognizes that this option might have to be run multiple times unmount pi-gen mount points. If unmount is still failing the end user may have to reboot their machine in order to unmount the mount points.
The Bakeshop team recognizes that if a Bakeshop image needs to be rebuilt due to configuration changes, the end user is responsible for manually removing configurations they don't wish to have the rebuilt image. The Bakeshop team recommend the end user clean the stage and run the build again, however this can be time consuming.
- The Bakeshop team plans to build out a repository for both fillings and recipes that end users can pull from.