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symphony-api-client-dotnet (Unofficial)

This is an unofficial fork of the Symphony .NET Client and is not fully backwards compatible. The coding convention is the same and for the most part you would just need to change some small things around such as the naming of functions as they now follow .NET naming conventions.

Symphony API Client for .NET. This client is event based. If you are building a bot that listens to conversations, you will only have to implement an interface of a listener with the functions to handle all events that will come through the Datafeed.

Reference Library in your project

Clone the project and reference it in your csproj file. For example:

    <ProjectReference Include="..\symphony-api-client-dotnet\apiClientDotNet\apiClientDotNet.csproj"/>

Support for Symphony Elements

Elements support is added in 1.0.18, however this version of the SDK requires some code change. An example of a Program.cs is provided at the end of the README.

Configuration RSA

        "sessionAuthHost": "<podname>",
        "sessionAuthPort": 443,
        "keyAuthHost": "<podname>",
        "keyAuthPort": 443,
        "podHost": "<podname>",
        "podPort": 443,
        "agentHost": "<podname>",
        "agentPort": 443,
        "botCertPath": "",
        "botCertName": "",
        "botCertPassword": "",
        "botPrivateKeyPath": "./rsa/",
        "botPrivateKeyName": "rsa-private-dotnetDemo.pem",
        "botUsername": "dotnetDemo",
        "botEmailAddress": "[email protected]",
        "appCertPath": "",
        "appCertName": "",
        "appCertPassword": "",
		// Optional, global proxy
        "proxyURL": "",
        "proxyUsername": "",
        "proxyPassword": "",
		// Optional, session host proxy
        "sessionProxyURL": "",
        "sessionProxyPassword": "",
		// Optional, key manager host proxy
        "keyProxyURL": "",
        "keyProxyPassword": "",
		// Optional, pod host proxy
        "podProxyURL": "",
        "podProxyPassword": "",
		// Optional, agent host proxy
        "agentProxyURL": "",
        "agentProxyPassword": "",
        "authTokenRefreshPeriod": "30",
        "truststorePath": ""

Configuration certificate

Create a config.json file in your project which includes the following properties

		"sessionAuthHost": "",
		"sessionAuthPort": 8444,
		"keyAuthHost": "",
		"keyAuthPort": 8444,
		"podHost": "",
		"podPort": 443,
		"agentHost": "",
		"agentPort": 443,
		"botCertPath": "PATH",
		"botCertName": "BOT-CERT-NAME",
		"botCertPassword": "BOT-PASSWORD",
		"botEmailAddress": "BOT-EMAIL-ADDRESS",
		"appCertPath": "",
		"appCertName": "",
		"appCertPassword": "",
		// Optional, global proxy
		"proxyURL": "",
		"proxyUsername": "",
		"proxyPassword": "",
		// Optional, session host proxy
		"sessionProxyURL": "",
		"sessionProxyPassword": "",
		// Optional, key manager host proxy
		"keyProxyURL": "",
		"keyProxyPassword": "",
		// Optional, pod host proxy
		"podProxyURL": "",
		"podProxyPassword": "",
		// Optional, agent host proxy
		"agentProxyURL": "",
		"agentProxyPassword": "",
		"authTokenRefreshPeriod": "30"

Proxy Settings

One Proxy

If all of the traffic to your instance of Symphony goes through a single proxy to make Pod and Session Auth calls set the folling configuration information.

      "proxyURL": "",
      "proxyUsername": "",
      "proxyPassword": "",

Two Proxies

If the traffic to your instance of Symphony is split between two proxys, one for Pod calls and a second for SessionAuth calls set the following configuration information.

Pod call proxy info:

      "proxyURL": "",
      "proxyUsername": "",
      "proxyPassword": "",

SesssionAuth proxy info:

      "sessionProxyURL": "",
      "sessionProxyUsername": "",
      "sessionProxyPassword": "",

Example Elements Program.cs

    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Net.Http;
    using apiClientDotNet;
    using apiClientDotNet.Models;
    using apiClientDotNet.Authentication;
    using apiClientDotNet.Services;
    using apiClientDotNet.Listeners;
    using apiClientDotNet.Models.Events;
    using apiClientDotNet.Clients.Constants;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using apiClientDotNet.Utils;

    public class MyIMListener : IMListener
        private SymConfig symConfig;

        public void init(SymConfig symConfig)
            this.symConfig = symConfig;

        override public void onIMMessage(Message message)
            string FirstCommand = "";
            string SearchTerm = null;
            string SearchStatus = null;

            if (message.message.Contains("/form"))
                    string fresponse = "";
                    fresponse += "<form id=\"form_id\">";
                    fresponse += "<text-field name=\"Question_Subject\" required=\"true\" placeholder=\"Ask a Question\" />";
                    fresponse += "<textarea name=\"comment\" placeholder=\"Add details (optional)\" required=\"false\"></textarea>";
                    fresponse += "<button type=\"reset\">Reset</button>";
                    fresponse += "<button name=\"submit_button\" type=\"action\">Submit</button>";
                    fresponse += "</form>";
                    sendMessage(, fresponse);

        private void sendMessage(String streamId, String messageText)
            Console.WriteLine("streamId:" + streamId);
            OutboundMessage message = new OutboundMessage();
            message.message = "<messageML>"+messageText+"</messageML>";                
            RestRequestHandler restRequestHandler = new RestRequestHandler();
            string url = "https://" + this.symConfig.agentHost + "/agent/v4/stream/" + streamId + "/message/create";
            HttpWebResponse resp = restRequestHandler.executeRequest(message, url, false, WebRequestMethods.Http.Post, symConfig, true);


    public class MyElementsActionListener : ElementsActionListener
            private SymConfig symConfig;

            public void init(SymConfig symConfig)
                    this.symConfig = symConfig;

        override public void onFormMessage(User initiator, String fstreamid, SymphonyElementsAction fform)
            string Question = "";
            string comment = "";

            foreach (var item in fform.formValues)
                if(item.Key == "Question_Subject"){ Question = item.Value.ToString();}
                if(item.Key == "comment") {comment = item.Value.ToString();}
                    Console.WriteLine("ACTION-- Question: " + Question + " , Comment: " + comment);

    namespace symphony_dotnet_bot_test
        class Program
            private static readonly String CURRENT_DIR = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            private static readonly String CONFIGFILE = CURRENT_DIR + @"/config.json";

            static void Main(string[] args)
                try {
                    SymConfigLoader symConfigLoader = new SymConfigLoader();
                    SymConfig symConfig = symConfigLoader.loadFromFile(CONFIGFILE);

                    SymBotRSAAuth symAuth = new SymBotRSAAuth(symConfig);

                    SymBotClient botClient = SymBotClient.initBot(symConfig,symAuth);

                    MyIMListener myIMListener = new MyIMListener();

                    MyElementsActionListener myElementsActionListener = new MyElementsActionListener();

                    // start listening for messages
                    DatafeedEventsService dataFeedService = botClient.getDatafeedEventsService();
                catch (Exception ex) {


Symphony API Client for .NET







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