IPS autoinstall script
- disable SElinux
- disable Firewall
- Install requed software
- Update and upgrade software
- Make root/snort_scr directory and download snort and DAQ source
- Compile DAQ with nfqueue
- Compile Snort
- Make directory for Snort, copy files, download and unzip rules
- Make requed files for Snort
- Edit snort.conf
- Add iptables rules
- Start MariaDB
- MariaDB secure install and create aanval db
- Allow root remotely connect to DB
- Prepare for Aanval
- Edit php.ini - timezone and max_upload_size
- Start apache
- Prepare for Aanval SMT to Snort
- Download Barnyard2 and install
- Create db for Barnyard2
- Add scripts to crontab and copy
- Make it executable
- Change rules in Aanval from alert to drop
- Disable IPv6
- Add bridge and start it up
- Enable iptables for bridge
- Start Aanval BPU and SMT
- Start barnyard2
- Start snort