HELIOPOLIS: Verifiable Computation over Homomorphically Encrypted Data from Interactive Oracle Proofs is Practical
author = {Diego F. Aranha and Anamaria Costache and Antonio Guimarães and Eduardo Soria-Vazquez},
title = {HELIOPOLIS: Verifiable Computation over Homomorphically Encrypted Data from Interactive Oracle Proofs is Practical},
howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/1949},
year = {2023},
note = {\url{https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/1949}},
url = {https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/1949}
- Basic development packages (On Debian-based systems:
sudo apt install make gcc cmake
) - Python 3 (Tested on Python 3.10.12)
- GCC (Tested on GCC 11.4.0)
- Strongly recommended: A processor with AVX-512 IFMA (Tested on Intel i7-1165G7 and Intel Xeon 8375C). We have added a compilation option that does not require it, but please be aware that it is mostly unoptimized and may be more unstable.
- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/antoniocgj/HELIOPOLIS.git
- Run
python3 test_fri.py -h
to see the following help text:
usage: test_fri.py [-h] [-i INPUT_SIZE] [-e EXPANSION_FACTOR] [-m NUM_COLINEARITY_TESTS] [-t THREADS]
Evaluates FRI over encrypted polynomials
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_SIZE, --input_size INPUT_SIZE
Log_2 of the degree bound of input polynomials (default=7)
Expansion factor (1 / \rho) (default=2)
Number of colinearity tests per round of FRI (default=102)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads for the prover (default=2)
The Python code will compile the C library during the first execution.
To recompile the code (in case you want to run it in another machine, for example), delete the build:
rm -rf c_lib/lib/libfric.so
rm -rf c_lib/src/third-party/hexl/build/
- Parameter set FRI0 with 4 threads for input of size 211:
python3 test_fri.py -i 11 -e 2 -m 102 -t 4
- Parameter set FRI3 with 4 threads for input of size 27:
python3 test_fri.py -i 7 -e 16 -m 26 -t 4
The optimized version of this implementation requires AVX-512 IFMA. It should be significantly slower and possibly unstable without it (but it should still work).
: main script, it instantiates and runs FRI.friC.py
: ctypes wrapper to call optimized (C/CPP-implemented) functions- other Python scripts: high-level implementations of HE-FRI and all subprocedures required to implement it (Merkle commitments, NTTs, Fiat-Shamir...).
: optimized C/CPP subroutines used by the Python scripts. It also contains a fully optimized version of HE-FRI's verification (c_lib/src/verifier.cpp
Compared to the first version of the paper:
- Removed dependency on HELib (Replaced with HEXL)
- Removed dependency on Sagemath
- Readjusted HE parameters to make the prover faster at a small cost for the verifier.
- Added a multi-threaded version for the folding and batching operations.
Adapted from the FRI implementation of Stark Anatomy - Apache License Version 2.0 - Copyright Alan Szepieniec
Additionally, this repository contains code from:
- MOSFHET: Apache License Version 2.0 - Copyright Antonio Guimarães et al. - See their detailed copyright information.
- Intel HEXL: Apache License 2.0 - Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation
- BLAKE3: Apache License 2.0 - Copyright 2019 Jack O'Connor and Samuel Neves