ZWidget creates a 3D-like visual by stacking widgets one above the other and transforming them adequately.
This package is heavily inspired by ztext.js.
Since Text is a Widget, and since everything is a Widget in Flutter, apply your 3D effect to any element of your UI!
It was created for the Flutter Puzzle Hack.
Tilt your widgets and simulate 3D easily.
Here are a few examples with Text
, FlutterLogo
, Ìmage
, Icon
and CustomPaint
You can also animate them:
The example
project includes these demos and a few more.
ZWidget includes several constructors depending on the direction where you want your perspective effect to be.
You must define at least the midChild
, which is the base Widget that will be displayed.
Depending on the direction you want the perspective to take place, you may also define the extremities and the widget to display between them and the middle child.
Here is a full example for ZWidget.bothDirections()
// middle layer
midChild: Container(
width: 60,
height: 60,
midToBotChild: Container(
width: 60,
height: 60,
color: Colors.blueGrey,
// layers between mid and top child
midToTopChild: Container(
width: 60,
height: 60,
color: Colors.lightBlue,
// layer at the bottom of the Stack
botChild: Container(
width: 60,
height: 60,
color: Colors.grey,
// layer at the top of the Stack
topChild: Container(
width: 60,
height: 60,
color: Colors.lightBlueAccent,
// rotation around X axis
rotationX: pi / 3,
// rotation around Y axis
rotationY: -pi / 4,
// Number of layers. Always odd (increased if even)
layers: 5,
// Space between layers
depth: 32,
and ZWidget.forwards()
are similar but they provide only the children parameters adequate to their direction.
The layers
of a ZWidget
are visibles in the picture below:
There is always an odd number of layers
. If you define an even number, it will be increased to be an odd number. Increase depth
to increase their spacing.
can be forward
, backward
or both
Mid layer is the midChild
. Depending on the ZDirection
, other layers are displayed above or below the midChild
You can define the botChild
for the child at the bottom of the Stack and topChild
for the one at the top.
You can also define Widgets between these extremities and midChild
with midToTopChild
and midToBotChild
Use the alignment
property to set the Transform
To effectively see the 3D effect, you must define a rotation to the ZWidget using rotationX
and rotationY
In case you would like to control which Widget is displayed at each layer, you may use Widget.builder()
It can be used to make a gradient effect for instance.
Here are a few examples:
While the base ZWidget
constructor works, it may lead newcomers to define parameters that are not needed.
Therefore, it is now deprecated and you should use the other constructors instead.
If ZWidget has 11 layers, it means that 11 Widgets will be drawn. Try to limit the complexity of widgets used at each layer.
For instance, an opaque Image could use simple Containers to simulate a 3D effect:
final child = ZWidget.forwards(
midChild: Container(
// ...
topChild: Image(
// ...
rotationX: pi / 3,
rotationY: -pi / 4,
layers: 11,
depth: 16,
// The builder function used to build each layer
final Widget Function(int) builder;
// Space between layers
final double depth;
// Perspective direction
final ZDirection direction;
// Rotation around X axis
final double rotationX;
// Rotation around Y axis
final double rotationY;
// Number of layers. Always odd (increased if set even)
final int layers;
// Experimental, used to reverse the X and Y rotations
final bool reverse;
// Shows a pink border representing the size taken by this `ZWidget`.
// Painting may go beyond that border.
final bool debug;
// The bigger the perspective, the more part of the widget will seem to be far away.
final double perspective;
// Transform origin
final Alignment? alignment;
// A fade effect (experimental)
final bool fade;
Depending on the transformations and the 3D effect your want to achieve, your widget might be drawn beyond its limits.
The debug
parameter shows a pink border around your ZWidget
which indicates its layout size in the widget tree but the painting may go beyond that border.
That's because the Transform
that we use doesn't change the base size of the widget, it just changes how it is rendered. The layout remains the same, but the painting can change a lot. See the Transform
documentation for more infos.
You might want to cut it to fit in the border with a ClipRect
for instance.
ZWidget fills a Stack with layers
Widgets returned by a builder
These are then transformed to make the 3D effect.
This transformations is done using a Transform
widget and a Matrix4
. If you'd like to do something similar but not with Widget
, you can use the top-level function zMatrix4()
This method returns a Matrix4
used to perform 3D transformations.
You can use it on anything accepting a Matrix4
(Widget, Canvas, Path, ...).
transform: zMatrix4(xTilt: pi / 3, yTilt: pi / 4, perspective: 5),
child: Container(
width: 100,
height: 100,
ZWidget uses zMatrix4()
this way.
canvas.transform(zMatrix4(xTilt: pi/3).storage);
Path p = Path()
center: Offset(size.width / 2, size.height / 2),
width: size.width / 4,
height: size.height / 4))
..transform(zMatrix4(xTilt: pi / 3).storage);
canvas.drawPath(p, Paint()..color = Colors.amber);
Contact me if you are using this package and I will add you to the list!