protobuf-es-lite is a TypeScript and JavaScript protobuf implementation.
It uses protoplugin to implement protoc-gen-es-lite which generates js and/or ts code.
See protobuf-es for information about protoplugin.
Lightweight Protobuf 3 RPCs are implemented in StaRPC for Go and TypeScript.
protoc-gen-doc is recommended for generating documentation.
protobuf-go-lite is recommended for lightweight Go protobufs.
protobuf-es generates a class for each message with interfaces for partial or plain messages. It is significantly easier to construct and pass around plain and partial messages as opposed to using classes, and plain messages work better when used in React props/state. This ends up looking like:
const myMessage: PlainMessage<MyMessage> = {body: "Hello world"}
const myMessageBin = new MyMessage(myMessage).toBinary()
ts-proto generates an interface for each protobuf message and a const message declaration object containing the marshal and unmarshal functions. This allows using interfaces and plain messages everywhere:
// Create a partial MyMessage with just one field sets.
const myMessage: MyMessage = {body: "Hello world"}
// Creates a version of MyMessage filled with zeros.
const myCompleteMessage: MyMessage = MyMessage.create(myMessage)
// Convert MyMessage to binary.
const myMessageBin = MyMessage.toBinary(myCompleteMessage)
This fork generates the ts-proto style with the protobuf-es code generator.
generates base types - messages and enumerations - from your
Protocol Buffer schema.
To install the plugin and the runtime library, run:
npm install @aptre/protoc-gen-es-lite
We use peer dependencies to ensure that code generator and runtime library are compatible with each other. Note that npm installs them automatically, but yarn and pnpm do not.
npm install --save-dev @bufbuild/buf
Add a new configuration file buf.gen.yaml
# buf.gen.yaml defines a local generation template.
# For details, see
version: v1
# This will invoke protoc-gen-es-lite and write output to src/gen
- plugin: es-lite
out: src/gen
# Add more plugin options here
- target=ts
To generate code for all protobuf files within your project, simply run:
npx buf generate
Note that buf
can generate from various inputs,
not just local protobuf files.
PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/node_modules/.bin \
protoc -I . \
--es-lite_out src/gen \
--es-lite_opt target=ts \
a.proto b.proto c.proto
Note that we are adding node_modules/.bin
to the $PATH
, so that the protocol
buffer compiler can find them. This happens automatically with npm scripts.
Since yarn v2 and above does not use a node_modules
directory, you need to
change the variable a bit:
PATH=$(dirname $(yarn bin protoc-gen-es-lite)):$PATH
This option controls whether the plugin generates JavaScript, TypeScript, or TypeScript declaration files.
Possible values:
- generates a.pb.js
file for every.proto
- generates a.pb.ts
file for every.proto
- generates a.pb.d.ts
file for every.proto
input file.
Multiple values can be given by separating them with +
, for example
By default, we generate JavaScript and TypeScript declaration files, which
produces the smallest code size and is the most compatible with various
bundler configurations. If you prefer to generate TypeScript, use target=ts
By default, protoc-gen-es (and all other plugins based on
protoplugin) uses a .js
file extensions in import paths,
even in TypeScript files.
This is unintuitive, but necessary for ECMAScript modules in Node.js.
Unfortunately, not all bundlers and tools have caught up yet, and Deno
requires .ts
. With this plugin option, you can replace .js
in import paths with the given value. For example, set
to remove the.js
to replace the.js
extension with.ts
By default, protoc-gen-es (and all other plugins based on
protoplugin) generates ECMAScript import
and export
statements. For use cases where CommonJS is difficult to avoid, this option can
be used to generate CommonJS require()
Possible values:
generate ECMAScriptimport
statements - the default behavior.js_import_style=legacy_commonjs
generate CommonJSrequire()
By default, protoc-gen-es (and all other plugins based on protoplugin) omits empty files from the plugin output. This option disables pruning of empty files, to allow for smooth interoperation with Bazel and similar tooling that requires all output files to be declared ahead of time. Unless you use Bazel, it is very unlikely that you need this option.
By default, protoc-gen-es (and all other plugins based on
protoplugin) generates an annotation at the top of each
file: // @ts-nocheck
We generate the annotation to support a wide range of compiler configurations
and future changes to the language. But there can be situations where the
annotation shadows an underlying problem, for example an unresolvable import. To
remove the annotation and to enable type checks, set the plugin option
On MacOS, some homebrew packages are required for yarn gen
brew install bash make coreutils gnu-sed findutils protobuf
brew link --overwrite protobuf
Add to your .bashrc or .zshrc:
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/findutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/make/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
Please open a GitHub issue with any questions / issues.
... or feel free to reach out on Matrix Chat or Discord.