A simple boilerplate for using Objection.js with Express.
git clone
this repository.
The app expects to find a PostgreSQL URL from the env variable DATABASE_URL (Format: postgresql://user[:password]@host/db). You can setup your preferred DB configuration in knexfile.js (cf. http://knexjs.org/#Installation-client). I recommend using the same db for development and testing, because e.g. SQLite does not support all features that PostgreSQL supports with Objection.js.
# Install depencies
npm install
# Install knex globally
npm install -g knex
# Setup DB schema
knex migrate:latest --env=development
# Seed the DB with a little bit of test data
knex seed:run --env=development
# Seed the DB with a little bit of test data
knex seed:run --env=development
# Start the development server
node main.js --development
Omit --env=development and --development if you're running the production version.
All tests can be run using npm test
. Tests expect a table DATABASE_URL + 'test' to exit. You can override this in the
Code coverage is reported using Istanbul.
The boilerplate has simple apikey authentication. Just pass string "apikey" in the "apikey" header or as a GET- or POST-parameter. You can change the apikey authentication from App.js.
Winston is used to provide simple persistent logging.