If you want to have a demo of this project please visit, https://netflix-clone-7bb1c.web.app/
- React
- axios
- npm install - Installs all the dependencies required
- Get your API Key from https://www.themoviedb.org/documentation/api
- Navigate to requests.js and replace API_KEY
- npm start - Runs the project
- Signup for an account if you don't have one
- Verify your email and re-enter your details
- Request for an API Key
- Go to Developer and accept all the T&Cs
- Copy the API Key (v3 Auth)
- With the Example API Request and your API Key, test the request in Postman.
- And it's done! Congrats.
- Responsive
- Click on a movie, a trailer plays (using the npm package movie-trailer)
- Trending Now updates weekly
- Implement search for Movies and TV Shows.
- Upon hovering, display the details of the Movie/TV Show - Overview, Initial Release etc