The RabbitMQ connector can be used to seamlessly connect to RabbitMQ ( Robust messaging for applications. Open source and commercially supported.
Thanks to Rom van Arendonk for helping finish this module. Please contribute on GitHub
This module supports two patterns:
Publish / Subscribe (one publisher, many subscribers, each message is received by all subscribers)
Work queues (one publisher, many subscribers, each message is processed only once)
You can acquire an account at They deliver hosted RabbitMQ instances and also offer a free plan too.
Import the module RabbitMQ connector in your project (by downloading and exporting the module from this project, see
You need to add the MxModelReflection module from the appstore
Add RMQConfiguration_Overview to your navigation
Use the provided actions in Objects/subfolder
Do not use microflows in /private folders
Do not use Java actions
Optionally, you can add the provided ASU action in /Resources to your after startup actions to start listening to all listening configurations
Durable exchange: exchange survives reboot of the server
Persistent messages: messages are stored on hard disk (and hence, survive a reboot of the server)
Confirm messages: exchange must acknowledge the messages. If messages are not acknowledged, an error is thrown (and should be handled by custom logic)
Auto delete exchange: if the server can delete the exchange when it is not in use
Number of concurrent messages: number of messages that are delivered before old ones must be handled. Note that this does not enable concurrent processing: even if more than one message is received, they are handled sequentially.
- Avoid fetching large amounts of data as it can lead to memory issues because all the ResultRow data is being loaded into memory at once.
- Module is only available via Github.
Licensed under the Apache license.
- Open the RabbitMQConnector.mpr in the Mendix Modeler.
- Use Deploy for Eclipse option (F6) and you can then import this module as an Eclipse project to the Eclipse IDE.
0.1 first functions for RabbitMQ implemented