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AppView is an open source, runtime-agnostic instrumentation utility for any Linux command or application. It helps users to explore, understand, and gain visibility with no code modification.

AppView provides the fine-grained observability of a proxy/service mesh, without the latency of a sidecar. It emits APM-like metric and event data, in open formats, to existing log and metric tools.

It’s like strace meets tcpdump – but with consumable output for events like file access, DNS, and network activity, and StatsD-style metrics for applications. AppView can also look inside encrypted payloads, offering WAF-like visibility without proxying traffic.

graph LR
    A[Application] --> B[libappview]
    A[Application]--> C[libgnutls]
    A[Application]--> D[libc]
    C --> D
    B --> D
    B --> C
    D --> I[Kernel]
    B --> E[In-memory Queue]
    E -.-> F[Reporting Thread]
    F --> G[Network Destination]
    F --> H[File System Destination]
    style B fill:#f3ffec,stroke:#89db70
    style E fill:#fafafa,stroke:#a6a6a6
    style F fill:#fafafa,stroke:#a6a6a6
    style G fill:#fafafa,stroke:#a6a6a6
    style H fill:#fafafa,stroke:#a6a6a6

💎 Features

  • Generate metrics on process and application performance.
  • Generate events, reporting on network, file, logs, console messages and http/s activity.
  • Capture (decrypted) payload data without the need for keys.
  • Generate a stack trace, and a core dump when an application crashes.
  • Generate network flow information.
  • Create a report on unique file and network activity.
  • Install AppView in a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Secure file and network access in an application.
  • Instrument both static and dynamic executables.
  • Attach to processes while they are running or start when the process does.
  • Normalize and forward metrics and events, in real time, to remote systems.
  • Summarize metrics and detect protocols.

✨ Example

appview curl  # Run a curl command, with AppView loaded 
appview events        # View events from the most recent session
appview metrics       # View metrics from the most recent session
appview flows         # View network flows from the most recent session

Events output:

[Bu] Jan 15 15:53:19 nginx worker process net net_peer_ip: net_peer_port:60240 net_host_ip: net_host_port:80 net_protocol:http net_transport:IP.TCP
[BB] Jan 15 15:53:19 nginx worker process net fd:3 host:precision pid:1504 proc:"ker process" protocol:HTTP
[CH] Jan 15 15:53:19 nginx worker process http http.req http_host:localhost http_method:GET http_scheme:http http_target:/
[uQ] Jan 15 15:53:19 nginx worker process fs file:/var/www/html/index.nginx-debian.html
[1Z] Jan 15 15:53:19 nginx worker process http http.resp http_host:localhost http_method:GET http_scheme:http http_target:/ http_response_content_length:612

Metrics output:

NAME             VALUE           TYPE     UNIT           PID        TAGS
proc.start       1               Count    process        3793875    args: curl,gid: 1000,groupname: sean,host: precision,proc: curl,uid:…
proc.cpu         1.356123e+06    Count    microsecond    3793875    host: precision,proc: curl
proc.cpu_perc    13.56123        Gauge    percent        3793875    host: precision,proc: curl
proc.mem         125732          Gauge    kibibyte       3793875    host: precision,proc: curl
proc.thread      2               Gauge    thread         3793875    host: precision,proc: curl

Flows output:

6NFr9	59318	80       	3s       	614ms

See the docs for many more examples.

🛟 Support

AppView runs on most Linux distributions and is able to instrument most applications. You might be surprised to learn that AppView is even able to instrument static applications, and applications running in other containers.

We regularly test against applications like nginx, redis, ssh, curl, bash, git, python, kafka, and node. We have an extensive set of integration tests, validating support for these applications on both ARM and x86 architectures, even in musl-based distributions like alpine.

However, AppView cannot:

  • Instrument Go executables built with Go 1.10 or earlier.
  • Instrument static stripped Go executables built with Go 1.12 or earlier.
  • Instrument Java executables that use Open JVM 6 or earlier, or Oracle JVM 6 or earlier.
  • Obtain a core dump either (a) for a Go executable, or (b) in a musl libc environment.

🚀 Try It Out

Before you begin, ensure that your environment meets the AppView requirements.

With the Download

curl -Lo appview
curl -Ls | md5sum -c
chmod +x appview
appview <some app>
appview metrics
sudo appview attach <already running process>
appview events -f
appview detach --all

With Docker

docker run --rm -it -v/:/hostfs:ro --privileged appview/appview
appview <some app> # AppView an app in the container
appview metrics
appview events
appview attach --rootdir /hostfs <process running on host> # AppView an app in the host
appview events -f
appview detach --all --rootdir /hostfs

From Source

AppView is not built or distributed like most traditional Linux software.

  • Insofar as possible, we want AppView binaries to be Build Once, Run Anywhere. To approach this goal, we build with a version of glibc that is (1) recent enough that the resulting binary contains references to versions of functions in the glibc library that are still supported in the latest glibc, yet (2) old enough that the binaries can run on a wide range of Linux platforms without having to rebuild locally. .
  • We don't build OS installation packages like DEBs or RPMs. This way, when you want to investigate a running system or build a custom container image, you can simply drop AppView in and use it.

Build from source:

git clone
cd appview
./ # Install dependencies (ubuntu)
make all test # Build and test

If you aren't on Ubuntu, or would prefer not to install the dependencies, ensure that Docker, BuildX, and make are installed, then build in a container with:

make build CMD="make all"

Either way, the resulting binaries will be in lib/linux/$(uname -m)/ and bin/linux/$(uname -m)/appview.

We support building x86_64 (amd64) or aarch64 (arm64/v8) binaries by adding ARCH=x86_64 or ARCH=aarch64 to the make build command. See the BUILD doc for details.

ℹ️ Resources

On the AppView Website you can:

The content on that site is built from the website/ directory in this project.

✏️ Contributing

If you're interested in contributing to the project, you can:

  • View and add to GitHub discussions discussions about future work.
  • View and add GitHub issues that need to be resolved.
  • See our developer guides in the docs/ directory in this repository.

📄 License

AppView is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.