A collection of gazebo plugins used in april project.
Simulation in gazebo 11 is provided.
sudo -H pip3 install xacro4sdf
A standalone version of the conveyor belt from osrf gazebo ariac competition.
To test:
roslaunch conveyor_belt_sim single_conveyor.launch
rosservice call /gazebo/unpause_physics "{}"
rosservice call /machinery/conveyor_belt_a/control "power: 75"
A plugin to exert a 6D twist velocity on a body.
An example on how to use this plugin can be found under urdf folder, it is a simple robot cube
that you can move in gazebo by publishing on cmd_vel topic.
A gazebo system plugin to get and set the gazebo GUI camera pose to a custom value programatically.
(Hint: you would normally change the "GUI camera" view by simply dragging/rotating it with the mouse).
See documentation inside get_set_camera_pose folder for more details.