To use these contracts you should first set the ACTIVE_CHAIN
env variable to LOCAL
To install all dependencies run npm install
Running the tests using the local node:
npm test
Before running the tests you should add your Infura API key and your private key to the env.json
Running the tests using the Rinkeby network:
npx hardhat test --network testnet
Calculating the test coverage:
npm coverage
# or npx hardhat coverage --network testnet
# for the Rinkeby network
To deploy the contracts to the hardhat network you can use the corresponding script:
npm run deploy
Also, it is possible to deploy the contracts on the local network or the Rinkeby network:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network <localhost|testnet>
Apriorit released car-sharing-solidity under the OSI-approved 3-clause BSD license. You can freely use it in your commercial or opensource software.