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NALMS (Not Another LMS)

NALMS is the REDCap project intended to deliver the DART learning pathways to learners.

The purpose of this repository is to create the files needed for that project, including:

  • zip files of REDCap Forms
  • csv files of REDCap alerts
  • scripts for the REDCap API to automate tasks in REDCap whenever possible

Ultimately a user should be able to create a pathway using section headings and module names, and then generate all files needed to create that pathway on REDCap.

Setup for admin tasks

You'll need REDCap API tokens for the following projects:

  • DART Pipeline (pid=56668)
  • NALMS (pid=61127)

Your API tokens should be saved as environment variables. You can save your tokens as environment variables in R by editing .Renviron (for more detailed instructions, see our REDCap API module). You'll only need to do this once.

Be sure to save the NALMS token as NALMS_Wave2_61127 and the Pipeline token as Pipeline_56668.

Note: To run the CLI commands here, make sure you're in the main NALMS directory.

Note that if you want to send notifications from a shared email (e.g. the dart email), you can add that email to your redcap account to be able to use it. This needs to be done for at least one person on the project.

Updating module_times.txt

If new modules have been created or the times of modules have been changed since pathways were last created (i.e. at the start of a new wave) you will need to update the module_times.txt file.

The script should be run from the top level directory of the education_modules repository and the times output can be copied into the module_times.txt file. This is cludgy but shouldn't have to be done more than once per wave. As the metadata gets updated across modules this process will need to be updated as well. (estimated_time is becoming estimated_time_in_minutes).

Creating a pathway

The point of this repository is to make creating a new DART Pathway as easy as possible. But there are still a few steps involved.

Organize the modules that will be in the pathway

Within the pathways directory recreate the following structure of nested folders with the name of the new pathway replacing test_color

└── pathways
    └── test_color
        └── sections

The section files contain the name of the section on the first line, followed by the keys for the modules it contains:

Section Name For Display

Finding a module's key

A module's key is the name of both the markdown file and the folder containing that module in

The key may or may not match the title of the module, for example reproducibility is a shortened version of the module's full title, citizen_science is in fact the module's name, but "Intro to Version Control" has key git_intro.

Create the files to upload to REDCap

To create the files for the test_color pathway, run this bash script from the main directory of this repository:

bash scripts/ test_color

This will create the zip file for the instrument that can be uploaded directly to REDCap, as well as the alerts for the pathway.

These files will be created in the folder for that pathway (e.g. test_color), with the pathway name you used instead of test_color.

└── pathways
    └── test_color
        └── sections
        └── alerts_test_color.csv              (alert file to upload to REDCap)
        └──          (instrument zip to upload to REDCap)

Upload instrument zip

In REDCap in the NALMS project (pid=61127), go to Designer, and click the "Upload and Instrument zip file" button.

Data Collection Instruments menu showing buttons for adding new forms.

Upload the zip file you just created.

Make instrument repeating

In the main NALMS directory, run make_pathways_repeating.R. This script isn't specific to your pathway; it will make all pathway forms in the NALMS REDCap project repeating (it's fine to do this redundantly, and it turns out that's the most straightforward way with the REDCap API). You can do this from the command line with the following:

Rscript scripts/make_pathways_repeating.R

After running this, you should see a little green circle arrow appear next to the "enabled as survey" badge in REDCap (you may need to refresh the page).

Upload alerts

In REDCap, go to Alerts & Notifications. Click "Upload or download alerts", and then "Upload Alerts (CSV)".

Alerts & Notifications menu.

Select "alerts_test_color.csv" in your pathway's directory. This will upload 16 alerts for your pathway:

  • 1 to congratulate participants who finish their pathways
  • 14 to nudge participants (weekly, on weeks 3-16 inclusive) who are inactive for at least two weeks
  • 1 to update participants each week on their progress on their pathway (this replaces ASIs we had used previously)

Check that pathway is correctly set up in REDCap

On the Designer page: check that your pathway exists, and is repeating:

Test Color pathway survey.

You can click on the pathway name to check that all questions are present. The "enabled as survey" column should have both a green badge and a green circular arrow.

On the Alerts & Notifications page: find the alerts for "test_color" pathway (or whichever pathway you are currently checking). There should be 16 total alerts, one called "Completed test_color pathway", 14 called "Inactive nudge test_color pathway Week #" for Weeks 3-16, and one called "test_color pathway progress".

Make sure there are exactly 16 alerts for your new pathway, and no more (i.e. that you didn't accidentally re-upload existing alerts).

You can click "Edit" to verify that the settings for any given alert are correct, or use the "preview" button to see the alert text.

Example REDCap alert.

Getting data from DART Pipeline

The following fields in NALMS come from DART Pipeline:

  • record_id
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • email
  • enrolled
  • opted_out
  • dropped_out
  • wave
  • pathway
  • pretest_complete

All of these fields are in the Basic Info form in NALMS, which is a form we fill out, not a participant-facing survey.

NOTE: When a learner contacts us to update this information in any of these fields (preferred name, email, dropping out, etc.), it is our responsibility to update that in both REDCap projects: DART Pipeline (pid=56668) and NALMS (pid=61127).

Running data import scripts

There are two different R scripts for importing data into NALMS:

  • import_redcap_pathway_data.R: To be run once, before the beginning of a new wave
  • sync_data_from_pipeline.R: To be run periodically (weekly?) while a wave is underway

Initial import script

import_redcap_pathway_data.R sets up the data in NALMS at the beginning of a new wave.

It pulls over learner info from Pipeline (fields in the Basic Info form, such as name and email), but it also sets up each learner's initial state for their pathway. For each learner, it puts in a status of 0 (not started) for every module in their assigned pathway survey and marks the survey as complete for the first instance. It leaves everything on the other surveys blank for that learner.

All of the pathway surveys are set to allow repeating instances, and to display the last instance's responses as the default for each module status. So when a learner opens their pathway survey for the first time, it will show what REDCap thinks the previous instance is ("not started" for every module), which was actually entered by us. The first set of genuine learner responses will be recorded by REDCap as instance 2.

You can run it from the command line from within the NALMS main directory:

Rscript scripts/import_redcap_pathway_data.R

Periodic syncing script

In addition to manually updating both NALMS and Pipeline with changes in learner information, we can periodically run the sync_data_from_pipeline.R import script to ensure the data in both places is staying synched.

This script overwrites the fields that should be synced between Pipeline and NALMS with the current Pipeline data --- that means if you update Basic Info in NALMS and forget to add it to Pipeline as well, it will get erased! This script doesn't touch pathway survey responses, only the fields in the Basic Info form.

The script first checks the overlapping fields from Pipeline and NALMS and if they all match already, it returns the message No need to update NALMS, all fields already match. If there are any differences, then it updates NALMS with the data from Pipeline; this update can take quite a while (like 10 min), and often the R script times out while it's working and returns an unhelpful error message. To check that the upload actually completed successfully, simply run the script again and you should see the No need to update NALMS, all fields already match message.

You can run it from the command line from within the NALMS main directory:

Rscript scripts/sync_data_from_pipeline.R

Note: Eventually, it would be preferable to replace this syncing process with the cross-project piping external module for REDCap, but it's not working in our tests with redcap_v13.4.12.

Updating User Contact Info

Learners can update their contact info with us by filling out the contact info update form (which is in its own RECap project, pid 59698). This triggers an email to [email protected].

Then it is our responsibility to update both DART Pipeline and NALMS with the new info.

At the start of a wave

For Wave 2, we allowed some time between the start date of the program and when pretest closed, in an attempt to allow folks more time to get it done so they could stay in the study. The pathway progress emails require pretest completion before they go out, so people who don't have pretest completed before launch day won't get their pathway progress email until they finish it. That means it's important during that first week to run the script to sync data from Pipeline very frequently, so the pretest completion field stays up to date.

There's a second script, check_redcap_ASIs.R, that should also be run frequently during that week to check that the ASIs are correctly being triggered as the data updates. If it detects any records that should have had their ASI go out but it hasn't yet, it will list the record ids for each.

The workflow for syncing data between Pipeline and NALMS during the first week goes like this:

  • From the main NALMS directory, run the following in the terminal: Rscript scripts/sync_data_from_pipeline.R
  • If it hangs and you get an error, re-run it.
  • Then run Rscript scripts/check_redcap_ASIs.R
  • If it lists any records that should have had an ASI but it hasn't gone out yet, open REDCap in the browser, go to the Record Status Dashboard and click the "Basic Info" form for each record missing an ASI. You don't need to change anything in the form, just open it and then click "Save and Exit"; touching the record in this way reliably triggers REDCap to send the ASI.
  • Repeat!

Changing admin settings for NALMS

The settings for things like pathway reminder email cadence and program length are saved in templates/survey_settings.csv. To edit them, change them in the template and then re-create all the pathway files and re-upload to REDCap.

Other admin tasks

Get a user's pathway survey link

At the request of a learner, use their name and/or email address to find their record in NALMS and send that learner a link to their pathway:

Find their Record ID

Get their survey link

  • Click on Alerts & Notifications, and then Notification Log.
  • Click "View past notifications".
  • Scroll down until you see a progress update alert for that user's Record ID, and click "View Notification" (a little picture of an envelope) to open the text of their pathway reminder email.
  • Copy their REDCap survey link from the email. You can now give this to the learner for them to update their pathway progress.

Check learner status

Use a learner name and/or email address to find their record in NALMS and DART Pipeline and determine their participation status.

Creating a brand new NALMS project in REDCap

If you wish to create a fresh, empty version of NALMS (with no pathway forms and no data yet), you can do so by uploading the file NALMS_skeleton.REDCap.xml. If you're starting a new wave with new pathway names, then you'll want to update the list of options for the pathway field first.

In REDCap, click New Project to start a new project, and then select "Upload a REDCap project XML file (CDISC ODM format)" under "Project creation option:". Select NALMS_skeleton.REDCap.xml.

Note that this does not add users, so you'll need to add any users you want on the project (and assign them to the role "admin" if they need API access, etc.). You'll also need to update the R scripts that use the API to use your new API token for the new project.

Then you can go through the steps above to create and add pathways, and pull data from Pipeline.


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