Radial Basis Functions with Finite Differencing for Shallow Water Equations Created as "GEN3" by: Richelle Streater, September 7, 2018 Most recently updated by: Richard Loft, AreandDee LLC, October 25, 2022
Getting started
Once all folders are on device, navigate to top directory: SWE-SPDP/
ln -s ./input_files
We suggest you run the serial tests first to familiarize yourself:
Serial/Gnu on personal device (generic gcc compile): Compile with the following command: . ./compile_default.sh Run with the following command: . ./run/openCL/run.sh Expected output: output_cfdl.txt, output_sfdl.txt, output_cfdl_sfdl.txt, output_default.txt in run/openCL/output/
Serial/on personal device/serial Intel (generic icc compile): Set OPENMP=0 in arch/intel/config.swe before compiling Compile with the following command: . ./compile_intel.sh Run with the following command: . ./run/OMP/run.sh Expected output: output_cfdl.txt, output_sfdl.txt, output_cfdl_sfdl.txt, output_default.txt in run/openCL/output/
Parallel Requirements
To run with OpenMP (intel only): --> Set OPENMP=1 OPENACC = 0 in arch/intel/config.swe before compiling --> Set OMP_NUM_THREADS in run script
To run on the Casper GPU system with OpenACC: --> Set OPENACC = 1; OPENMP = 0 in arch/volta/config.swe (There is an arch/pascal/config.swe but is not tested) Compile with the following command: ./compile_casper.sh --> Run PBS batch script with: ./run/oacc/runOACC.sh --> Run interactive script runOACC.sh
To run with MPI: (NOT RECENTLY TESTED) --> Set MPI=1 before compiling --> Change LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH in run/hpcl/runMP.sh or run/hpcl/runCL.sh if necessary
To use NetCDF: (NOT RECENTLY TESTED) --> Set NCIO=1 in config.swe before compiling --> Set SWE_USE_NETCDF=1 in run script and set SWE_INPUT_FILE to a .nc file --> Change NETCDF variable in include.mk if necessary
To MPI run with Intel Compiler: (NOT RECENTLY TESTED) --> Set MPICC=mpiicc and CC=icc in config.swe --> Load icc module before compiling if necessary --> Change LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH in run/hpcl/runMP.sh or run/hpcl/runCL.sh if necessary
Directory structure
Top Directory Folders:
./arch: Contains configuration parameters pascal, volta GPU testing and for general gnu or intel setup
./input_files: Contains all binary/netcdf input files for code (NOT INCLUDED due to file size)
./read_output_file: Contains code to read eval_rhs values from output files (NOT TESTED recently)
./run: Contains run scripts for OMP, openacc, generic gnu/intel serial testing in OpenCL (confusing for historical reasons)
./swe_code: Contains all c/cl code
swe_code folder structure:
./swe_code/io: --> input.c: Reads input files, either with binary or NetCDF format, and fills all differentiation matrices, state variable matrices, ordering, and constants --> nc2bin.c: Converts to binary file from .nc format (not called by main function)
./swe_code/layout: --> layout.c: Calls padding/reordering functions for differentiation matrices/state variable matrices --> matrix_transformations.c: Functions to pad matrices (to allow for tiling/vectorizing) and rearrange based on CFDL/SFDL options
./swe_code/main: --> main.c: Calls reading/reordering functions and calls patch initialization functions (for MPI). Declares OpenCL objects and compiles kernels, opens device/platform, loads buffers, and sets kernel arguments for OpenCL. For n attempts and time steps, calls Runge-Kutta stepping function. Compares results to known array. --> profiling.c: Use arrays of loop times to determine average time, min/max, and std dev for all operations. Prints timing results. --> rk4_rbffd_swe.c: Computes Runge-Kutta step with radial basis function finite differencing algorithm. --> runtime_params.c: processes external variables set in run script.
./swe_code/mpi: --> halos.c: Function for exchanging neighbor node information so that state variable matrix can be divided among MPI threads --> init_patches.c: Creates divided matrices and copies read and reordered arrays from thread 0 to other MPI threads.
./swe_code/ocl: --> buffers.c: converts arrays into OpenCL buffer objects to be passed into the kernels and frees buffers --> device_setup.c: Creates all OpenCL objects: kernels, devices, platforms, and command queues --> RK_ocl.c: Version of rk4_rbffd_swe.c that used OpenCL and calls openCL kernels --> kernel.cl: All Runge-Kutta step functions; vectorized along nodes and works for all layouts --> kernel_CFDL.cl: All RK step functions; vectorized along u,v,w,h in state variable matrices. Only valid for CFDL layout.
./swe_code/rcm: --> rcm.c: Calls all reorder functions for Reverse CutHill-McKee ordering scheme --> reorder_nodes: Defines mapping for Reverse CutHill-McKee ordering scheme
Setting single precision (FP32) vs double precision (FP64)... Note added by: Richard Loft
SP/DP Precision is set in:
#define RUN_32BIT
Commenting that line out will restore double precision.
The environment variable I suggest toggling is SWE_USE_RCM in the run.sh script:
export SWE_USE_RCM=1
It looks like RCM is turned on by default. You might change it to
export SWE_USE_RCM=0
The input files are quite large and must be provided separately. They are called icos_tc5_input.nc, and MUST be located in a directory called ./input_files.