Releases: arendst/Tasmota
Releases · arendst/Tasmota
5.11.0 20180107
- Minor webpage HTML optimizations (#1358)
- Updated German translation (#1438)
- Change Sonoff Pow Energy MQTT data message and consolidate Status 8 into Status 10
- Change ADS1115 default voltage range from +/-2V to +/-6V (#1289)
- Change text to Active for 3 minutes (#1364)
- Change Wemo SetBinaryState to distinguish from GetBinaryState (#1357)
- Change output of HTTP command to valid JSON and Array only (#1363)
- Removed all MQTT, JSON and Command language defines from locale files and set fixed to English (#1473)
- Renamed commands Color2,3,4 to Color3,4,5
- Fix BME280 calculation (#1051)
- Fix Sonoff Bridge missed learned key if learned data contains 0x55 (End of Transmission) flag (#1095, #1294)
- Fix PWM initialization in Dimmer/Color mode (#1321)
- Fix Wemo Emulation (#1357)
- Fix display of build date and time in non-english locale (#1465)
- Fix Wemo and Hue emulation by adding M-Search response delay (#1486)
- Add libraries Adafruit_BME680-1.0.5, Adafruit_Sensor-, TasmotaSerial-1.0.0 and TSL2561-Arduino-Library
- Add command Color2 to set color while keeping same dimmer value
- Add device function pointers
- Add support for SenseAir S8 CO2 sensor
- Add color led signal to Carbon Dioxide (CO2) sensors using defines CO2_LOW and CO2_HIGH in user_config.h
- Add support for Domoticz Air Quality sensor to be used by MH-Z19(B) and SenseAir sensors
- Add support for PZEM004T energy sensor
- Add support for iTead SI7021 temperature and humidity sensor by consolidating DHT22 into AM2301 and using former DHT22 as SI7021 (#735)
- Add support for BME680 using adafruit libraries (#1212)
- Add support for MH-Z19(B) CO2 sensor (#561, #1248)
- Add multipress support and more user configurable GPIO to Sonoff Dual R2 (#1291)
- Add support for TSL2561 using adafruit library (#661, #1311)
- Add support for SHT3x (#1314)
- Add support for Arilux LC06 (#1414)
- Add Italian language file (#1449)
- Add 2nd Gen Alexa support to Wemo emulation discovery (#1357, #1450)
- Add define for additional number of WS2812 schemes (#1463)
Provided pre-compiled binary downloads
- sonoff.bin = the default firmware for all devices in English
- sonoff-DE.bin = the default firmware for all devices in German
- sonoff-IT.bin = the default firmware for all devices in Italian
- sonoff-NL.bin = the default firmware for all devices in Dutch
- sonoff-PL.bin = the default firmware for all devices in Polish
- sonoff-minimal.bin = is interim firmware to be used when the above firmware images become too big to fit as OTA or web upload; installing this one first and THEN uploading the desired sonoff.bin allows for firmware size growth over the OTA file limit of 1/2 flash size.
- sonoff-ds18x20.bin = is a version of sonoff.bin with the USE_DS18x20 define enabled and a larger MQTT buffer size to be used by people having more than 6 ds18x20 sensors connected.
5.10.0 20171201
- Upgrade library ArduinoJson to 5.11.2
- Upgrade library IRRemoteEsp8266 to 2.2.1 + 2 commits but disabled some protocols (code size reduction)
- Upgrade library NeoPixelBus to 2.2.9
- Upgrade library OneWire to 2.3.3 + 6 commits and disabled CRC lookup-table (#define ONEWIRE_CRC8_TABLE 0) (code size reduction)
- Update library PubSubClient to 2.6 + 9 commits and additional delay (#790)
- Update core_esp8266_wiring_digital.c to latest (staged) level
- Patch library I2Cdevlib-Core for esp8266-core 2.4.0-rc2 compatibility
- Remove command EnergyReset 1..3 now replaced by ENergyReset1 to EnergyReset3
- Remove spaces in JSON messages (code size reduction)
- Renamed xsns_05_ds18x20.ino to xsns_05_ds18x20_legacy.ino still using library OneWire and providing dynamic sensor scan
- Fix possible iram1_0_seg compile error by shrinking ICACHE_RAM_ATTR code usage
- Fix PWM watchdog timeout if Dimmer is set to 100 or Color set to 0xFF (#1146)
- Fix Sonoff Bridge Learn Mode hang caused by unrecognised RF code (#1181)
- Fix blank console log window by using XML character encoding (#1187)
- Fix wrong response name for command HlwISet (#1214)
- Fix DHT type sensor timeout recognition by distinguish "signal already there" from "timeout" (#1233)
- Add fixed color options 1..12 to command Color
- Add + (plus) and - (minus) to commands Dimmer (+10/-10), Speed and Scheme
- Add + (plus) and - (minus) to command Color to select 1 out of 12 preset colors
- Add + (plus) and - (minus) to command Ct to control ColdWarm led ColorTemperature (+34/-34)
- Add commands EnergyReset1 0..42500, EnergyReset2 0..42500 and EnergyReset3 0..42500000 to (Re)set Energy Today, Yesterday or Total respectively in Wh (#406, #685, #1202)
- Add optional ADS1115 driver as alternative for unsupported I2Cdevlib in esp8266-core 2.4.0-rc2
- Add support for INA219 Voltage and Current sensor to be enabled in user_config.h with define USE_INA219
- Add support for Arilux LC11 (Clearing RF home code when selecting no Arilux module)
- Add support for WS2812 RGBW ledstrips to be enabled in user_config.h with define USE_WS2812_CTYPE (#1156)
- Add SettingsSaveAll routine to command SaveData to be used before controlled power down (#1202)
- Add option PUSHBUTTON_TOGGLE (SwitchMode 7) to allow toggling on any switch change (#1221)
- Add new xdrv_05_ds18x20.ino free from library OneWire and add the following features:
- Add support for DS1822
- Add forced setting of 12-bit resolution for selected device types (#1222)
- Add read temperature retry counter (#1215)
- Fix lost sensors by performing sensor probe at restart only thereby removing dynamic sensor probe (#1215)
- Fix sensor address sorting using ascending sort on sensor type followed by sensor address
- Rewrite JSON resulting in shorter message allowing more sensors in default firmware image: "DS18B20-1":{"Id":"00000483C23A","Temperature":19.5},"DS18B20-2":{"Id":"0000048EC44C","Temperature":19.6}
- Add additional define in user_config.h to select either single sensor (defines disabled), new multi sensor (USE_DS18X20) or legacy multi sensor (USE_DS18X20_LEGACY)
- Add clock support for more different pixel counts (#1226)
- Add support for Sonoff Dual R2 (#1249)
- Add FriendlyName to web page tab and add program information to web page footer (#1275)
Provided pre-compiled binary downloads
- sonoff.bin = the default firmware for all devices in English
- sonoff-NL.bin = the default firmware for all devices in Dutch
- sonoff-DE.bin = the default firmware for all devices in German
- sonoff-PL.bin = the default firmware for all devices in Polish
- sonoff-minimal.bin = is interim firmware to be used when the above firmware images become too big to fit as OTA or web upload; installing this one first and THEN uploading the desired sonoff.bin allows for future firmware size growth over the OTA file limit of 1/2 flash size.
- sonoff-ds18x20.bin = is a version of sonoff.bin with the USE_DS18x20 define enabled and a larger MQTT buffer size to be used by people having more than 6 ds18x20 sensors connected.
5.9.1 20171107
- Add external sensor function pointer interface to enable easy sensor addition
- Add support for ADS1115 to be enabled in user_config.h and needs libraries i2cdevlib-Core and i2cdevlib-ADS1115 (#338, #660)
- Fix Backup Configuration file download failure by defining proper file size (#1115)
- Fix Exception 26 and empty console screen after usage of command WakeupDuration (#1133)
- Fix some changed iTead web links in (#1137)
Provided pre-compiled binary downloads
- sonoff.bin = the default firmware for all devices in English
- sonoff-NL.bin = the default firmware for all devices in Dutch
- sonoff-DE.bin = the default firmware for all devices in German
- sonoff-PL.bin = the default firmware for all devices in Polish
- sonoff-minimal.bin = is interim firmware to be used when the above firmware images become too big to fit as OTA or web upload; installing this one first and THEN uploading the desired sonoff.bin allows for future firmware size growth over the OTA file limit of 1/2 flash size.
- sonoff-ds18x20.bin = is a version of sonoff.bin with the USE_DS18x20 define enabled and a larger MQTT buffer size to be used by people having more than 4 ds18x20 sensors connected.
5.9.0 20171030
- Rewrite code (partly) using Google C++ Style Guide (
- Rewrite code by using command lookup tables and javascript (client side) web page expansions
- Change HTML/CSS to enable nicer form field entry
- Change default PWM assignments for H801 RGB(CW) led controller to support optional Color/Dimmer control
GPIO04 (W2) from GPIO_PWM2 to GPIO_USER to be user configurable for GPIO_PWM5 (second White - Warm if W1 is Cold)
GPIO12 (Blue) GPIO_PWM3 no change
GPIO13 (Green) from GPIO_PWM4 to GPIO_PWM2
GPIO14 (W1) from GPIO_PWM1 to GPIO_USER to be user configurable for GPIO_PWM4 (first White - Cold or Warm)
GPIO15 (Red) from GPIO_PWM5 to GPIO_PWM1 - Change default PWM assignments for MagicHome RGB(W) led controller to support optional Color/Dimmer control
GPIO05 (Green) from GPIO_PWM4 to GPIO_PWM2
GPIO12 (Blue) from GPIO_PWM5 to GPIO_PWM3
GPIO13 (White) GPIO_USER to be user configurable for GPIO_PWM4 (White - Cold or Warm)
GPIO14 (Red) from GPIO_PWM3 to GPIO_PWM1 - Change default PWM assignment for Witty Cloud to support optional Color/Dimmer control (#976)
GPIO12 (Green) from GPIO_PWM4 to GPIO_PWM2
GPIO13 (Blue) from GPIO_PWM5 to GPIO_PWM3
GPIO15 (Red) from GPIO_PWM3 to GPIO_PWM1 - Change when another module is selected now all GPIO user configuration is removed
- Change command name IRRemote to IRSend (#956)
- Remove Arduino IDE version too low warning as it interferes with platformio.ini platform = espressif8266_stage
- Fix command FullTopic entry when using serial or console interface
- Fix possible UDP syslog blocking
- Fix minimum TelePeriod of 10 seconds set by web page
- Fix command GPIOx JSON response (#897)
- Fix inverted relay power on state (#909)
- Fix compile error when DOMOTICZ_UPDATE_TIMER is not defined (#930)
- Fix alignment of web page items in some browsers (#935)
- Fix setting all saved power settings to Off when SetOption0 (SaveState) = 0 (#955)
- Fix timezone range from -12/12 to -13/13 (#968)
- Fix Southern Hemisphere TIME_STD/TIME_DST (#968)
- Fix TLS MQTT SSL fingerprint test (#970, #808)
- Fix virtual relay status message used with Color/Dimmer control (#989)
- Fix command IRSend and IRHvac case sensitive parameter regression introduced with version 5.8.0 (#993)
- Fix pressure calculation for some BMP versions regression introduced with version 5.8.0i (#974)
- Fix Domoticz Dimmer set to same level not powering on (#945)
- Fix Blocked Loop when erasing large flash using command reset 2 (#1002)
- Fix relay power control when light power control is also configured as regression from 5.8.0 (#1016)
- Fix Mqtt server mDNS lookup only when MqttHost name is empty (#1026)
- Add debug information to MQTT subscribe
- Add translations to I2Cscan
- Add translation to BH1750 unit lx
- Add light scheme options (Color cycle Up, Down, Random) and moving WS2812 schemes up by 3
- Add Domoticz counter sensor to IrReceive representing Received IR Protocol and Data
- Add option 0 to MqttHost to allow empty Mqtt host name
- Add support for Arilux AL-LC01 RGB Led controller (#370)
- Add esp8266 de-blocking to PubSubClient library (#790)
- Add Domoticz sensors for Voltage and Current (#903)
- Add platformio OTA upload support (#928, #934)
- Add warning to webpage when USE_MINIMAL is selected (#929)
- Add smoother movement of hour hand in WS2812 led clock (#936)
- Add support for Magic Home RGBW and some Arilux Led controllers (#940)
- Add command SetOption15 0 (default) for command PWM control or SetOption15 1 for commands Color/Dimmer control to PWM RGB(CW) leds (#941)
- Add Domoticz counter sensor to Sonoff Bridge representing Received RF code (#943)
- Add support for Luani HVIO board ( (#953)
- Add PWM initialization after restart (#955)
- Add IR Receiver support. Disable in user_config.h (#956)
- Add support for inverted PWM (#960)
- Add Sea level pressure calculation and Provide command Altitude (#974)
- Add support for up to 8 relays (#995)
- Add commands RfSync, RfLow, RfHigh, RfHost and RfCode to allow sending custom RF codes (#1001)
- Add retain to ENERGY messages controlled by command SensorRetain (#1013)
- Add commands Color2, Color3, Color4, Width2, Width3, Width4 and SetOption16 to set Ws2812 Clock parameters (#1019)
- Add German language file (#1022)
- Add support for connecting to MQTT brokers without userid and/or password (#1023)
- Add support for esp8266 core v2.4.0-rc2 (#1024)
- Add commands PwmRange 1,255..1023 and PwmFrequency 1,100..4000 (#1025)
- Add Polish language file (#1044, #1047)
- Add support for KMC 70011 Power Monitoring Smart Plug (#1045)
- Add support for VEML6070 I2C Ultra Violet level sensor (#1053)
- Add light turn Off Fade (#925)
- Add IrSend command option Panasonic as IrSend {"Protocol":"Panasonic", "Bits":16388, "Data":}
where 16388 is 0x4004 hexadecimal (#1014) - Add retry counter to DHT11/21/22 sensors (#1082)
Provided pre-compiled binary downloads
- sonoff.bin = the default firmware for all devices in English
- sonoff-NL.bin = the default firmware for all devices in Dutch
- sonoff-DE.bin = the default firmware for all devices in German
- sonoff-PL.bin = the default firmware for all devices in Polish
- sonoff-minimal.bin = is interim firmware to be used when the above firmware images become too big to fit as OTA or web upload; installing this one first and THEN uploading the desired sonoff.bin allows for future firmware size growth over the OTA file limit of 1/2 flash size.
- sonoff-ds18x20.bin = is a version of sonoff.bin with the USE_DS18x20 define enabled and a larger MQTT buffer size to be used by people having more than 4 ds18x20 sensors connected.
5.8.0 20170918
- Remove the need for NeoPixelBus library for Hue support
- Consolidate WS2812 into Sonoff Led for flexible future led strip library changes
- Invert WS2812 fade speed to align with Sonoff led (Speed 1 = fast, Speed 8 = slow)
- Remove upper case MQTT receive buffer
- Reduce code and string length for output of commands Modules and GPIOs
- Add Sonoff SC debug information
- Change syslog service
- Removed webserver syslog disable as now no longer needed
- Increased default MQTT message size from 368 to 405 bytes while keeping MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 512 (because we can)
- Fix MQTT Offline or Remove MQTT retained topic code
- Fix Domoticz loop when Emulation is selected
- Add blink to WS2812 and Sonoff Led (#643)
- Add option WIFI_WAIT (5) to command WifiConfig to allow connection retry to same AP without restart or update flash (#772, #869)
- Add support for Witty Cloud (#794)
- Add GPIO14 to Sonoff Dual (#797, #839)
- Add support for Yunshan Wifi Relay (#802)
- Add GPIO16 input pulldown (#827)
- Add timeout to DHT and DS18B20 sensors (#852)
- Fix watchdog timeout caused by lack of stack space by moving to heap (#853)
- Allow LogPort and MqttPort up to 65535 and add LogPort tot Status 3 (#859)
- Allow command SwitchTopic in group mode (#861)
- Allow command SwitchMode if no switches are defined (#861)
- Add optional dimmer parameter to command Wakeup for WS2812, AiLight, Sonoff B1, Led and BN-SZ01 (#867)
- Fix basic On, Off, Toggle, Blink and BlinkOff commands when other language is selected (#874)
Provided pre-compiled binary downloads
- sonoff.bin = the default firmware for all devices
- sonoff-NL.bin = the default firmware for all devices in Dutch as an example of internationalization (i18n)
- sonoff-minimal.bin = is interim firmware to be used when the above firmware images become too big to fit as OTA or web upload; installing this one first and THEN uploading the desired sonoff.bin allows for future firmware size growth over the OTA file limit of 1/2 flash size.
- sonoff-ds18x20.bin = is a version of sonoff.bin with the USE_DS18x20 define enabled and a larger MQTT buffer size to be used by people having more than 4 ds18x20 sensors connected.
5.7.1 20170909
- Remove leading spaces from MQTT data
- Fix webconsole special character entry
- Allow # as prefix for color value
- Fix Alexa detection and Hue App Update Request (#698, #854)
Provided pre-compiled binary downloads
- sonoff.bin = the default firmware for all devices
- sonoff-NL.bin = the default firmware for all devices in Dutch as an example of internationalization (i18n)
- sonoff-minimal.bin = is interim firmware to be used when the above firmware images become too big to fit as OTA or web upload; installing this one first and THEN uploading the desired sonoff.bin allows for future firmware size growth over the OTA file limit of 1/2 flash size.
- sonoff-ds18x20.bin = is a version of sonoff.bin with the USE_DS18x20 define enabled and a larger MQTT buffer size to be used by people having more than 4 ds18x20 sensors connected.
5.7.0 20170907
- Shrink module configuration webpage
- Fix settings order during startup to allow for displaying debug messages
- Fix some string length issues
- Add more string length tests by using strncpy
- Add Ai-Thinker RGBW led (AiLight)
- Add Power check and add PulseTime to power check at startup (#526)
- Add Supla Espablo support (#755)
- Add more precision to Sonoff Pow period and power results using command WattRes 0|1 (#759)
- Add basic internationalization and localization (#763)
- Add more Sonoff Pow range checking (#772)
- Fix invalid JSON (#786, #822)
- Add duplicate check to received RF signal within 2 seconds for Sonoff Bridge (#810)
Provided pre-compiled binary downloads
- sonoff.bin = the default firmware for all devices
- sonoff-NL.bin = the default firmware for all devices in Dutch as an example of internationalization (i18n)
- sonoff-minimal.bin = is interim firmware to be used when the above firmware images become too big to fit as OTA or web upload; installing this one first and THEN uploading the desired sonoff.bin allows for future firmware size growth over the OTA file limit of 1/2 flash size.
- sonoff-ds18x20.bin = is a version of sonoff.bin with the USE_DS18x20 define enabled and a larger MQTT buffer size to be used by people having more than 4 ds18x20 sensors connected.
5.6.1 20170818
- Change module list order in webpage
- Fix Sonoff Pow intermittent exception 0
- Change Sonoff Pow sending Domoticz telemetry data only
- Add Ai-Thinker RGBW led (AiLight) (experimental)
- Add NeoPixelBus library to Sonoff Led for Hue support
- Add user configurable GPIO4 and GPIO5 to module Sonoff Bridge
- Add Sonoff B1 RGBCW led support with command Color RRGGBBCCWW (#676)
- Add command CT 152..500 to Sonoff Led and Sonoff B1 to control Color Temperature
- Add Cold-Warm slider to web page for Sonoff Led and Sonoff B1
- Add CT parameter to Hue
- Add Sonoff T1 support (#582)
- Add AnalogInput0 if configured as Analog Input to webpage (#697, #746)
- Add command SetOption14 0|1 to enable interlock mode (#719, #721)
- Fix Mitsubishi HVAC IR power controll (#740)
- Fix Sonoff T1 1CH and 2CH configuration (#751)
Provided pre-compiled binary downloads
- sonoff.bin = the default firmware for all devices
- sonoff-minimal.bin = is interim firmware to be used when the above firmware images become too big to fit as OTA or web upload; installing this one first and THEN uploading the desired sonoff.bin allows for future firmware size growth over the OTA file limit of 1/2 flash size.
- sonoff-ds18x20.bin = is a version of sonoff.bin with the USE_DS18x20 define enabled and a larger MQTT buffer size to be used by people having more than 4 ds18x20 sensors connected.
5.5.2 20170808
- Extent max number of WS2812 pixels from 256 to 512 (#667)
- Add OTA handling if server responds with no update available (#695)
- Removed undocumented command FlashMode (#696)
- Fix compile time error message due to increased message buffer size (#703)
Provided pre-compiled binary downloads
- sonoff.bin = the default firmware for all devices
- sonoff-minimal.bin = is interim firmware to be used when the above firmware images become too big to fit as OTA or web upload; installing this one first and THEN uploading the desired sonoff.bin allows for future firmware size growth over the OTA file limit of 1/2 flash size.
- sonoff-ds18x20.bin = is a version of sonoff.bin with the USE_DS18x20 define enabled and a larger MQTT buffer size to be used by people having more than 4 ds18x20 sensors connected.
5.5.1 20170805
- Fix Sonoff Rf Bridge issues
- Add Sonoff RF Bridge MQTT messages on received and learned RF signal
- Add command VoltRes 0|1 to select voltage resolution to 0.1 V (#654)
- Add averaging to Analog input (#686)
- Add Energy tele data on Sonoff Pow Threshold change (#688)
- Fix inconsistent property names in Messages (#690)
Provided pre-compiled binary downloads
- sonoff.bin = the default firmware for all devices
- sonoff-minimal.bin = is interim firmware to be used when the above firmware images become too big to fit as OTA or web upload; installing this one first and THEN uploading the desired sonoff.bin allows for future firmware size growth over the OTA file limit of 1/2 flash size.
- sonoff-ds18x20.bin = is a version of sonoff.bin with the USE_DS18x20 define enabled and a larger MQTT buffer size to be used by people having more than 4 ds18x20 sensors connected.