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Examples | Random things with strings

Ali Rizvi-Santiago edited this page Mar 10, 2023 · 5 revisions

Printing out strings referenced by some function parameter

Sometimes you want all the strings used as a parameter to some function call.

ea = ins.op_ref(0)                         # wanted references to the call instruction i have highlighted
func.arg(ea, 1, 'const char*')             # make sure the function has its arg typed
for ref in func.up(ins.op_ref(0)):
    ea = func.x.arg(ref, 1)                # 2nd arg
    if isinstance(ins.op(ea, 0), int):     # only care about ints (which could be a reference)
        target = ins.op_ref(ea, 0)         # hopefully its a "push XXX"
        if str in db.get.type(target):     # if it's a string (pythonic)
            s = db.get.string(target)      # save it
        else:                              # if it isn't
            db.set.undefine(target)        # get rid of whatever it is
            s = db.set.string(target)      # make it a string (and return it)
        print('found:', s)                 # print it
        print('not sure what this is:', db.disasm(ea))

# or do it (poorly) in 2 lines
for ref in func.up(ins.op_ref(0)):
    print(db.get(ins.op_ref(func.x.args(ref)[1], 0)) if isinstance(ins.op(func.x.args(ref)[1],0),int) else 'no '+db.disasm(ref))

Or if you're a psycho, you can combine map with function composition, itertools.chain, and functools.partial. In this line, the secret is ins.ops_immediate, which returns an opref_t for every immediate in an instruction's operands. Afterwards it's just chaining the results together and joining them with a newline.

print('\n'.join(map(fcompose(ins.op_ref, db.get), ichain(*map(fcompose(fpartial(func.x.arg, 1), ins.ops_constant), func.up(ins.op_ref(0)))))))

func.up(ins.op_ref(ea, 0))                              # return all calls to the function being called (operand #0)
fcompose(fpartial(func.x.arg, 1), ins.ops_immediate)    # return instruction address of parameter #1, convert that to an opref_t for every immediate operand
fcompose(ins.op_ref, db.get)                            # return target of opref_t, get whatever is at the address that's returned