AtomScript is a programming language and platform aimed towards allowing beginner programmers to create computer programs, websites, and Android apps easily.
The desktop version of AtomScript is a second level interpreted programming language. It allows you to create GUI and console apps with a JavaScript-like syntax while seeing your results almost instantly.
To install AtomScript for Windows systems, download the release package.
To install AtomScript for Mac, currently we have the jar file for you to use. Download the jar file below.
The web version allows you to use AtomScript as a substitution for JavaScript. It allows you to use modules easily and it includes Proton, a library similar to JQuery for JavaScript.
Insert the following code into your head element:
<script src = ""></script>
AtomScript.src = "main.atom";
Afterwards, create the AtomScript file you are referring to above. This will alow the webpage to use AtomScript.
The Android version of AtomScript allows you to make Android applications on the AtomScript platform easily. The app allows you to open AtomScript files and run them as if they were Android apps.
The Android version is not currently out. It will be on Google Play very very soon.