released this
20 Feb 22:19
0.15.0 (2023-02-20)
Bug Fixes
include d.ts file in npm package (b3cc831 )
rename flex-nowrap (1db8d6d )
rename grid-auto-flow col to column (b54c3cb )
rename iterms-stretch to items-stretch (95c423d )
allow parser to handle infinitely nested plugin segments (1b96169 )
make auto_cols plugin support arbitrary CSS (f7df759 )
make auto-rows plugin support arbitrary CSS (41ed335 )
make basis plugin support arbitrary CSS (c7288f8 )
make col plugin support arbitrary CSS (c3d7b19 )
make flex plugin support arbitrary CSS (ca48c18 )
make grid-col utilities support arbitrary CSS (f4e038a )
make grid-row utilities support arbitrary CSS (70ff15b )
make grow plugin support arbitrary css (acf02bc )
make order plugin support arbitrary CSS (dd7656b )
make row plugin support arbitrary CSS (70b279c )
make shrink plugin support arbitrary CSS (1e20218 )
support content subcommands (41b4d60 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.