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Carbon Guard 👮

Carbon Guard is a unique and environmentally conscious GitHub Action & CLI App designed to help reduce the carbon footprint of your CI/CD pipelines. It works by monitoring real-time carbon intensity data and preventing pipelines from running when the carbon intensity is high.


uv run carbon_guard --help
 Usage: carbon_guard [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...                                
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --install-completion          Install completion for the current shell.      │
│ --show-completion             Show completion for the current shell, to copy │
│                               it or customize the installation.              │
│ --help                        Show this message and exit.                    │
╭─ Commands ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ check      Check the current carbon intensity.                               │
│ schedule   Find the lowest carbon time.                                      │


uv run carbon_guard check --help
 Usage: carbon_guard check [OPTIONS]                                            
 Check the current carbon intensity.                                            
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --max-carbon-in…                       INTEGER           Set the max      │
│                                                             carbon intensity │
│                                                             in gCO2eq/kWh.   │
│                                                             [env var:        │
│                                                             MAX_CARBON_INTE… │
│                                                             [default: None]  │
│                                                             [required]       │
│    --advise-only       --no-advise-on…                      Do not exit with │
│                                                             an error if the  │
│                                                             carbon intensity │
│                                                             is above the max │
│                                                             carbon           │
│                                                             intensity.       │
│                                                             [env var:        │
│                                                             ADVISE_ONLY]     │
│                                                             [default:        │
│                                                             no-advise-only]  │
│    --data-source                          [file|national-g  Where to read    │
│                                           rid-eso-carbon-i  carbon intensity │
│                                           ntensity|co2-sig  data from        │
│                                           nal]              [env var:        │
│                                                             DATA_SOURCE]     │
│                                                             [default:        │
│                                                             national-grid-e… │
│    --from-file-car…                       PATH              File to read     │
│                                                             carbon intensity │
│                                                             from in file     │
│                                                             mode             │
│                                                             [env var:        │
│                                                             FROM_FILE_CARBO… │
│                                                             [default:        │
│                                                             .carbon_intensi… │
│    --national-grid…                       HTTP_OR_HTTPS_UR  URL for the      │
│                                           L                 National Grid    │
│                                                             ESO Carbon       │
│                                                             Intensity API    │
│                                                             [env var:        │
│                                                             NATIONAL_GRID_E… │
│                                                             [default:        │
│                                                   … │
│    --co2-signal-ca…                       HTTP_OR_HTTPS_UR  URL for the CO2  │
│                                           L                 Signal api       │
│                                                             [env var:        │
│                                                             CO2_SIGNAL_API_… │
│                                                             [default:        │
│                                                             https://api.co2… │
│    --co2-signal-ap…                       TEXT              Api key for the  │
│                                                             CO2 Signal api,  │
│                                                             required in CO2  │
│                                                             Signal mode      │
│                                                             [env var:        │
│                                                             CO2_SIGNAL_API_… │
│                                                             [default: None]  │
│    --co2-signal-co…                       TEXT              Country code to  │
│                                                             get the carbon   │
│                                                             intensity from   │
│                                                             CO2 Signal api   │
│                                                             [env var:        │
│                                                             CO2_SIGNAL_COUN… │
│                                                             [default: None]  │
│    --help                                                   Show this        │
│                                                             message and      │
│                                                             exit.            │


uv run carbon_guard schedule --help
 Usage: carbon_guard schedule [OPTIONS]                                         
 Find the lowest carbon time.                                                   
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --within                     HUMAN_READABLE_DURATI  Time period to        │
│                                 ON                     predict the lowest    │
│                                                        intensity within      │
│                                                        [env var: WITHIN]     │
│                                                        [default: None]       │
│                                                        [required]            │
│    --data-source                [file|national-grid-e  Where to read carbon  │
│                                 so-carbon-intensity]   intensity data from   │
│                                                        [env var:             │
│                                                        DATA_SOURCE]          │
│                                                        [default:             │
│                                                        national-grid-eso-ca… │
│    --from-file-carbon-i…        PATH                   File to read carbon   │
│                                                        intensity from in     │
│                                                        file mode             │
│                                                        [env var:             │
│                                                        FROM_FILE_CARBON_INT… │
│                                                        [default:             │
│                                                        .carbon_intensity]    │
│    --national-grid-eso-…        HTTP_OR_HTTPS_URL      URL for the National  │
│                                                        Grid ESO Carbon       │
│                                                        Intensity API         │
│                                                        [env var:             │
│                                                        NATIONAL_GRID_ESO_CA… │
│                                                        [default:             │
│                                                        https://api.carbonin… │
│    --help                                              Show this message and │
│                                                        exit.                 │

Common use case

When comparing current carbon intensity levels to global carbon intensity based on gCO2eq/kWh.

Comparing carbon levels with the expected outcome for high carbon intensity:

carbon_intensity_is 1000
uv run carbon_guard check --max-carbon-intensity=999
Carbon intensity is 1000 gCO2eq/kWh, which is above the max of 999 gCO2eq/kWh

You may also return a successful exit code even on high carbon intensity by passing the --advise-only flag.

carbon_intensity_is 1000
uv run carbon_guard check --max-carbon-intensity=999 --advise-only

Comparing carbon levels with the expected outcome for low carbon intensity:

carbon_intensity_is 999
uv run carbon_guard check --max-carbon-intensity=999
Carbon intensity is 999 gCO2eq/kWh, which is below or equal to the max of 999 gCO2eq/kWh

Data Sources

You may change the data source by specifying the --data-source flag.

National Grid ESO Carbon Intensity

Using the national-grid-eso-carbon-intensity data source. [note] this only supplies data for the United Kingdom.

uv run carbon_guard check --data-source national-grid-eso-carbon-intensity --max-carbon-intensity=100000
Carbon intensity is 98 gCO2eq/kWh, which is below or equal to the max of 100000 gCO2eq/kWh

You can use this data provider to schedule find the forecasted lowest carbon intensity within a given time period.

uv run carbon_guard schedule --data-source national-grid-eso-carbon-intensity --within "1 hour"

CO2 Signal

Using the co2-signal data source [note] This data source requires an account (free/paid) which will supply an API key for usage, and does not support forecasting.

# export CO2_SIGNAL_API_KEY=<your_api_key_here>
uv run carbon_guard check --data-source co2-signal --max-carbon-intensity=100000 --co2-signal-country-code=GB
Carbon intensity is 107 gCO2eq/kWh, which is below or equal to the max of 100000 gCO2eq/kWh


if you don't provide a co2-signal-country-code the call will fail.

# export CO2_SIGNAL_API_KEY=<your_api_key_here>
uv run carbon_guard check --data-source co2-signal --max-carbon-intensity=100000
No country code provided to CO2 Signal Api.

if you don't provide a co2-signal-api-key the call will fail.

export CO2_SIGNAL_API_KEY=""
uv run carbon_guard check --data-source co2-signal --max-carbon-intensity=100000 --co2-signal-country-code=GB
No API key found for CO2 Signal API.

Adding to your pipelines

This tool is intended to be run inside a pipeline to either fail or skip steps within, based on the current carbon intensity levels.

Using GitHub Actions

If you intend to fail the build based on the carbon intensity level

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: armakuni/[email protected]
          max_carbon_intensity: 500
      - run: echo Some complicated compute task

Alternatively if you want to simply skip a step if the carbon intensity is too high you can use the continue-on-error flag.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: armakuni/[email protected]
        continue-on-error: true
        id: carbon_guard
          max_carbon_intensity: 500
      - run: echo Some complicated compute task
        if: steps.carbon_guard.outcome == 'success'

Other pipelines

You can run in other pipelines as a command line tool

pip install carbon-guard
carbon_guard --help