使用VBA的技术,将题库整合在了一起,做成了一个excel的形式,方便查询 题库中的题目包括:
- 判断题
- 知识点
- 大事件
- 单选和多选
Dim sheet1 As Worksheet
Dim sheet2 As Worksheet
Dim sheet3 As Worksheet
Dim sheet4 As Worksheet
Dim sheet5 As Worksheet
Private Sub Label1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = 13 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Click()
TextBox1.Text = ""
End Sub
Rem 完成初始化的工作
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
CheckBox1.Value = True
CheckBox2.Value = False
CheckBox3.Value = True
CheckBox4.Value = True
CheckBox5.Value = True
Set sheet1 = Application.Workbooks("题库v0.1.xlsm").Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set sheet2 = Application.Workbooks("题库v0.1.xlsm").Worksheets("Sheet2")
Set sheet3 = Application.Workbooks("题库v0.1.xlsm").Worksheets("Sheet3")
Set sheet4 = Application.Workbooks("题库v0.1.xlsm").Worksheets("sheet4")
Set sheet5 = Application.Workbooks("题库v0.1.xlsm").Worksheets("sheet5")
End Sub
Rem 点击按钮之后 1.获取关键字 2.获取选择框中的内容 3.清除sheet1中的所有内容
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
keyword = TextBox1.Text
keyword = Trim(keyword)
If Len(keyword) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
c1 = CheckBox1.Value
c2 = CheckBox2.Value
c3 = CheckBox3.Value
c4 = CheckBox4.Value
c5 = CheckBox5.Value
sheet1RowIndex = 1
If c1 Or c2 Then
sheet1RowIndex = findTiMuAndDaAn(keyword, c1, c2)
End If
Rem MsgBox (sheet1RowIndex)
If c3 Then
sheet1RowIndex = findZhiShi(sheet1RowIndex, keyword)
End If
Rem MsgBox (sheet1RowIndex)
If c4 Then
sheet1RowIndex = findDaShiJian(sheet1RowIndex, keyword)
End If
Rem MsgBox (sheet1RowIndex)
If c5 Then
Call findPanDuanTi(sheet1RowIndex, keyword)
End If
Rem MsgBox (sheet1RowIndex)
Rem 添加红色
addRedFont (keyword)
Rem 设置自动换行
With Selection
.HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
.WrapText = True
.Orientation = 0
.AddIndent = False
.IndentLevel = 0
.ShrinkToFit = False
.ReadingOrder = xlContext
.MergeCells = False
End With
End Sub
Rem 寻找多选题中的关键词 keyword:关键词 c1:是否在题目中寻找 c2:是否在选项中寻找
Function findTiMuAndDaAn(keyword, c1, c2) As Integer
sheet1RowIndex = 1
sheet2RowIndex = 1
Do While True
If IsEmpty(sheet2.Cells(sheet2RowIndex, 1)) Then
Exit Do
End If
t1 = (InStr(UCase(sheet2.Cells(sheet2RowIndex, 1)), UCase(keyword)) <> 0)
t2 = (InStr(UCase(sheet2.Cells(sheet2RowIndex, 2)), UCase(keyword)) <> 0)
t3 = (InStr(UCase(sheet2.Cells(sheet2RowIndex, 3)), UCase(keyword)) <> 0)
t4 = (InStr(UCase(sheet2.Cells(sheet2RowIndex, 4)), UCase(keyword)) <> 0)
t5 = (InStr(UCase(sheet2.Cells(sheet2RowIndex, 5)), UCase(keyword)) <> 0)
If (t1 And c1) Or (t2 And c2) Or (t3 And c2) Or (t4 And t2) Or (t5 And t2) Then
sheet1.Cells(sheet1RowIndex, 1) = sheet2.Cells(sheet2RowIndex, 1)
sheet1.Cells(sheet1RowIndex, 2) = sheet2.Cells(sheet2RowIndex, 2)
sheet1.Cells(sheet1RowIndex, 3) = sheet2.Cells(sheet2RowIndex, 3)
sheet1.Cells(sheet1RowIndex, 4) = sheet2.Cells(sheet2RowIndex, 4)
sheet1.Cells(sheet1RowIndex, 5) = sheet2.Cells(sheet2RowIndex, 5)
sheet1.Cells(sheet1RowIndex, 6) = sheet2.Cells(sheet2RowIndex, 6)
sheet1RowIndex = sheet1RowIndex + 1
End If
sheet2RowIndex = sheet2RowIndex + 1
findTiMuAndDaAn = sheet1RowIndex
End Function
Rem 寻找多选题中的关键词 keyword:关键词 c1:是否在题目中寻找 c2:是否在选项中寻找
Function findZhiShi(sheet1RowIndex, keyword) As Integer
sheet3RowIndex = 1
Rem 对于sheet3的每一行
Do While True
If IsEmpty(sheet3.Cells(sheet3RowIndex, 1)) Then
Exit Do
End If
Rem 循环1:对于sheet3的每一列
sheet3ColIndex = 1
Do While True
If IsEmpty(sheet3.Cells(sheet3RowIndex, sheet3ColIndex)) Then
Rem 如果这一行没有内容了,就退出循环1
Exit Do
End If
If InStr(UCase(sheet3.Cells(sheet3RowIndex, sheet3ColIndex)), UCase(keyword)) <> 0 Then
sheet3ColIndex = 1
Rem 循环2 开始复制
Do While True:
If IsEmpty(sheet3.Cells(sheet3RowIndex, sheet3ColIndex)) Then
Rem 如果这一行没有内容了 就退出循环2
Exit Do
End If
sheet1.Cells(sheet1RowIndex, sheet3ColIndex) = sheet3.Cells(sheet3RowIndex, sheet3ColIndex)
sheet3ColIndex = sheet3ColIndex + 1
sheet1RowIndex = sheet1RowIndex + 1
Rem 既然已经确认该行有关键词了,退出循环1
Exit Do
End If
sheet3ColIndex = sheet3ColIndex + 1
sheet3RowIndex = sheet3RowIndex + 1
findZhiShi = sheet1RowIndex
End Function
Function findDaShiJian(sheet1RowIndex, keyword) As Integer
sheet4RowIndex = 1
Do While True
If IsEmpty(sheet4.Cells(sheet4RowIndex, 1)) Then
Exit Do
End If
If InStr(UCase(sheet4.Cells(sheet4RowIndex, 1)), UCase(keyword)) <> 0 Then
sheet1.Cells(sheet1RowIndex, 1) = sheet4.Cells(sheet4RowIndex, 1)
sheet1RowIndex = sheet1RowIndex + 1
End If
sheet4RowIndex = sheet4RowIndex + 1
findDaShiJian = sheet1RowIndex
End Function
Sub findPanDuanTi(sheet1RowIndex, keyword)
sheet5RowIndex = 1
Do While True
If IsEmpty(sheet5.Cells(sheet5RowIndex, 1)) Then
Exit Do
End If
If InStr(UCase(sheet5.Cells(sheet5RowIndex, 1)), UCase(keyword)) <> 0 Then
sheet1.Cells(sheet1RowIndex, 1) = sheet5.Cells(sheet5RowIndex, 1)
sheet1.Cells(sheet1RowIndex, 2) = sheet5.Cells(sheet5RowIndex, 2)
sheet1RowIndex = sheet1RowIndex + 1
End If
sheet5RowIndex = sheet5RowIndex + 1
End Sub
Rem 将sheet1中的内容加上红色字体
Sub addRedFont(keyword)
Row = 1
Rem 对每一行
Do While True
Col = 1
Rem 对每一列
Do While True
If IsEmpty(sheet1.Cells(Row, Col)) Then
Exit Do
End If
If InStr(UCase(sheet1.Cells(Row, Col)), UCase(keyword)) <> 0 Then
sheet1.Cells(Row, Col).Characters(Start:=InStr(UCase(sheet1.Cells(Row, Col)), UCase(keyword)), Length:=Len(keyword)).Font.Color = vbRed
End If
Col = Col + 1
Row = Row + 1
If IsEmpty(sheet1.Cells(Row, 1)) Then
Exit Do
End If
End Sub