• This website accepts funds from various organizations and people and offers medical aids to the impoverished children through online payment methods such as netbanking, cards,UPI, etc.
• On successful payment, an invoice is generated and an email is sent to the user with the necessary details.
• The website is responsive to various screen sizes and has been linked to an external database to store the user’s information.
Here is how the website works and looks like.
1.) The landing page of the website (with a moving animation added in the background)
2.) The About Us section with the sidebar that was opened after pressing the ham-burger button on top right corner.
3.) Our Team section which displays the information of the team leads on hovering on the cards.
4.) The Contact section which sends details of the sender on email.
5.) On clicking the "donate now" button, the amount to be donated is entered.
6.) Necessay details are then filled.
7.) Various payment options are displayed such as UPI, Card, Netbanking, etc.
8.) On choosing netbanking, the bank is selected.
9.) Payment is Successful.
10.) An invoice is generated and sent to the sender.