A Prototype-style Log searcher and indexer application
The aim of this application is to demonstrate the capability of writing application log content into a database (SQL/NoSQL, though NoSQL is best suited for write intensive applications) and reading it back when required.
This application is basically a simple web application that has a very simple front-end to interact with. The Services are configured to return application/json data.
Ability to configure (or administer) log files. This is required so that the application can parse and index the log files for searching later.
Ability to search text content present in log files (which are configured previously).
It utilizes an Oracle database to persist/read the log contents at the backend. Service layer uses JDK 8 (yeah, Lambda expressions, Date/Time API are utilized!) to process stuffs. Services are exposed using Spring MVC 4 framework. Spring is pretty much used for all of IoC work. Spring JDBC is also used to manage communication with the Database. If required, a new layer could be written to include a suitable ORM tool. The front-end is basically barebones HTML with JQuery to do the AJAX processing.